Creating joy

Imagine manifesting your vision.

by Dr. Mark Force — 

Joy is an internal experience independent of external phenomena that is the outcome of living your life in such a manner that you express your innate nature. The following can help you find and experience more joy in your life.

The process of joy

Assess your nature — What excites you? What holds your interests? What fascinates you? What are your values? What do you believe in?

You have to be true to your values and beliefs to have joy. Numerous tools are available to help you assess your strengths, weaknesses, talents, gifts, interests, beliefs and values. These include contemplation (including journaling), meditation and prayer.

Develop your vision — Imagine manifesting your vision. Look at who you are, what you experience and how you contribute through achieving that vision. These are the measures that matter; the material things that may come from attaining your vision are actually rather immaterial.

The opportunity to say or do something that serves the greater and more natural expression of life force is always present. This means the opportunity to have a vision is always available, as well as the opportunity to fulfill it.

Plan your action — Your vision will never become real unless you take action. These actions include thinking, feeling, speaking and acting itself. The more completely congruent all of your actions are over time, the more completely you will manifest your vision.

Act in accordance — There are those who wish their dreams would become real, and there are those whose visions become real because they are willing to do what it takes to make them real. Strive to be the latter.

The attraction process

The attraction process consists of the following:

• Conscious and constant focus on a reasonable vision

• Consistent and disciplined action toward your vision

• Congruence of thought, feeling, speech and action

• Constant refinement of your actions based on outcomes

• Willingness to pay the price for the realization of your vision

• Resonance of the vision in others

Resonance is the phenomenon of people being inspired by a vision that resonates deeply with their innate nature, beliefs, values and sense of cause. A clear vision creates charisma and inspires resonance.

• Crystallization of a group of people who see the vision manifest

Crystallization is the seemingly spontaneous organization of a network of people who support a common vision. Once you have crystallized a network of people who are inspired by your vision, your vision has transformed into a cause.

Make a difference

Contribute through giving whenever an opportunity to do so arises. It is easy for us to feel that we have to have enough money and power to make a difference in other people’s lives. Yet, whenever we are in the presence of another, we have the opportunity to contribute to them through our speech and actions.

Think back to a moment in time when someone took the effort to be aware of what you most needed and was willing to serve you through their words or acts. It may resonate with you now; it may have even positively changed the course of your life. You have the power to give that gift every day. Let your vision inspire and guide you, then act accordingly.

Suggested Reading: Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill), The Law of Success (Napoleon Hill), The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie (Napoleon Hill) and The Emperor’s Handbook: A New Translation of the Meditations (Marcus Aurelius).


Mark Force, D.C., is a chiropractic physician at The Elements of Health in north Scottsdale, Ariz. He practices functional and natural health care and is the author of Choosing Health: Dr. Force’s Functional Selfcare Workbook. 480-563-4256 or

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 5, Oct/Nov 2009.

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