Spirit of Love: Devotional Chanting and Spiritual Love Songs

Spirit of Love: Devotional Chanting and Spiritual Love Songs

You will dance and sing along, and let the spirit of love transform you.

You will dance and sing along, and let the spirit of love transform you.

by Maya and Sage — 

This is an album of worldbeat folk-pop songs and modern-day original chants that is guaranteed to make you feel better.

You might even find yourself chanting Jai Sita Ram (spirit of love) in your head on the way to your next appointment, even if you have never uttered a chant in your life.

This is music that will rock your heart and soul with enchanting melodies, spirited rhythms and mystical lyrics of loving joy.

Vocal harmonies bask in rich layers of sonic texture, spiced with exotic flavors of Celtic harp, didgeridoo, Native American flute and world percussion.

You will dance and sing along, and let the spirit of love transform you.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 23, Number 1, February/March 2005.

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