Tag Archives: prana

How weather patterns affect us

May 15, 2013

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by Ada Porat —  The activities of our solar system can have far-reaching effects on Earth and its inhabitants. In recent years, scientists have discovered that solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun can have a severe impact on weather patterns and all of Earth’s life forms. When charged emissions from the sun […]

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Learn to harness nature’s abundant pranic energy

March 24, 2013

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by Master Stephen Co —  The one pervasive energy that governs the subtle laws throughout the universe and reveals the nature surrounding our lives is known as pranic energy. What is pranic energy? It is commonly known as prana in Sanskrit, chi in Chinese, ki in Japanese and ruach in Hebrew. This energy is the […]

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Energy medicine: A complementary therapy to chronic illness

November 5, 2012

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by Malonie Gabriel —  What is energy medicine and how is it different from Western medicine? Energy medicine proposes that the universe and everything in it is made up of energy. Even matter, as Albert Einstein’s formula (E=MC2) illustrates, is congealed energy. The term “subtle energy” was first used by Einstein to describe the minute, […]

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What is Reiki and how can it benefit me?

February 25, 2012

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by Lori Keeley —  Reiki is an ancient healing art that originated in Japan and is based on the principle that our bodies are ultimately made of energy and light. The word Reiki stands for “a ray of ki.” Ki is also known as chi, prana, Holy Spirit or life force energy and is actually […]

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