Water: essential for healing

August 12, 2012

Fibromyalgia, Health

If dehydration goes unchecked, the body will redirect blood to the muscles and away from the skin.

by Betsy Timmerman — 

The liver is a major detoxifying organ, and it needs all the help it can get to do its job. This is especially true for people who suffer from fibromyalgia, as they also suffer from an overload of toxins and often have sluggish liver functions, making toxin buildup in the body a contributor to the flare up of fibromyalgia symptoms. An easy way to counteract these symptoms is with proper hydration.

Drink water in the morning to flush toxins stored overnight and take in at least a few liters of water every day. The rule of thumb for proper hydration is one-half ounce of water for every pound you weigh, but remember that eating raw fruits and vegetables gives you 20 percent of your daily requirement of fluids.

Fluid robbers include alcohol, caffeine, coffee, tea, soda and carbonated beverages. These liquids reduce fluid stores, so try to limit your intake of them for symptom reduction. If you must drink them, then drink even more good quality filtered water to compensate for the loss they cause.

Besides reducing toxicity in fibromyalgia, water increases physical energy, reduces brain fog, joint and muscle pain, and helps poor digestion and food cravings.

All bodily functions are about fluid balance, and if fluid lost throughout the day is not replenished, blood volume can drop, making your heart work harder to supply oxygen and nutrients to the skin and muscles.

If dehydration goes unchecked, the body will redirect blood to the muscles and away from the skin. When this happens, the body’s internal heat rises, which translates to symptoms of muscle cramping, fatigue and light-headedness.

Water helps the immune system function better, as well. As the immune system attempts to deal with bacteria and viruses, poisons and toxins enter the lymph system to be disposed. Good circulation aids this process, but if you have fibromyalgia, pain often prevents patients from exercising, so the lymph becomes blocked and toxins remain trapped. When sufficient water is consumed, the toxins are efficiently diluted and the kidneys effectively flush the poisons out.

The longer you have been dehydrated, the more a pattern has been established and thus, the thirst reflex becomes less reliable. Chronic dehydration leads to tissue, organ and muscle tension. This tension restricts blood flow, making toxin buildup inevitable. The end product of this cycle causes deep muscle aching and a “hung over” feeling. Sufferers  of fibromyalgia certainly do not need any extra symptoms.

The endless benefits of water make it essential for healing. The digestive system also needs water in order to work correctly, but you do not want to dilute your hydrochloric acid, so do not drink with your meals. Instead, drink a pint of water 30 minutes before meals, which will help your mucous layers work better. This simple act will prevent acid conditions that cause pain.

Dehydration can also result in excess histamine production, which triggers allergies. When the body focuses on fighting allergies, it loses its ability to fight infections.

Remember to increase your water intake gradually over a couple of weeks until you are taking in the proper amount. Swish it around in your mouth before swallowing to reduce the surface tension for better absorption. Often when people increase their intake of water, they run to the bathroom more than they would like. Mixing your water with your saliva helps preserve the fluid balance in the body, which will limit your bathroom breaks.

The answer is simple: Drink water to help your body function more efficiently and to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms.


Betsy Timmerman, C.B.P.M., is a fibromyalgia educator, Certified Trigger Point Myotherapist, a First Line Therapy Therapeutic Lifestyle Educator and certified hypnotherapist who help people prevent and reverse disease. 623-251-7547, 617-943-5570 or

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 31, Number 3, June/July 2012.

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