I found that the majority of electrosmog sufferers were consistently waking up between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. This is the time when data collected from smart meters is dumped into receptor towers.
by Paul Harding —
“Electrosmog — a silent epidemic,” an excellent article in the Dec/Jan 2014 issue of AZNetNews, explained in depth why electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are causing serious health issues. The article also pointed out that once the smart meter is removed and the original safer electromechanical analog meter is re-installed, health issues subside.
My personal experience with this was one of desperation, as I was forced to move away from the electrosmog typically found in dense communities. I have read hundreds of scientific studies and have purchased equipment to help others around me who suffered from the same severe symptoms.
I found that the majority of electrosmog sufferers were consistently waking up between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. This is the time when data collected from smart meters is dumped into receptor towers. Uninterrupted sleep is necessary for our bodies to heal. With constant sleep disturbances, our immune systems fail which, in turn, causes illness.
The culprit creating dirty power is located inside the digital meter and is called the “power mode switching supply.” It takes alternating current and turns it into direct current, which is needed for the electronics to record data. Micro-surges of 50 KHz are a byproduct of this technology. Science has shown that anything over 1.7 KHz penetrates the skin and is absorbed into our bodies.
I have photographed dead shrubs and trees located near smart meters. Now imagine what a smart meter is doing to your body. However, once it is removed and replaced with the old electromechanical analog, symptoms substantially decrease.
Unplugging wireless phones and other Wi-Fi routers at night also creates a healthier environment. Stetzerizer filters help bring dirty electricity down to safe levels.
Many have reported that after the utility company commits to replacing the smart meter with the original electromechanical analog meter, they instead install a digital meter. The digital meter is not safe either because it also emits dirty electricity. Make sure that when you have asked to switch back to the original electromechanical analog meter, the utility company does, in fact, honor your request.
Paul Harding is an EMF consultant specializing in the detection and removal of EMFs from the sleeping area. 602-757-8624 or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 1, February/March 2014.
February 24, 2014
Environment, Featured, February/March 2014 issue, Health, Health Concerns