Psychic Vampires: Protection From Energy Predators and Parasites

April 12, 2012

Book review

Slate presents step-by-step empowerment procedures you can use to protect yourself and replenish your energy reserves.

by Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.

Consuming energy instead of blood,

psychic vampires come in a variety of unsuspecting guises. This unique approach to the subject will introduce you to a trio of new thieves: group vampires, parasitic vampires and global vampirism.

Exploring environmental, developmental and past-life factors, Slate presents step-by-step empowerment procedures you can use to protect yourself and replenish your energy reserves.

This practical guide offers an exploration of previously unknown forms of psychic vampirism; methods to identify and counteract the effects of psychic attacks; 13 photos illustrating the Vampire Shadow Phenomenon and the Halo Effect; a seven-day psychic protection plan and more.

$15.95 — Llewellyn Worldwide, 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 30, Number 5, October/November 2011.

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