The Leadership Dojo: Build Your Foundation as an Exemplary Leader by Richard Strozzi-Heckler — Describing leadership as both a role and a way of life, the author provides an alternative to the glut of quick-fix motivational books that are becoming all too familiar. He shares the same teachings he has brought to Fortune 500 executives, […]
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Advanced Chakra Healing: Heart Disease
April 11, 2016
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Advanced Chakra Healing: Heart Disease by Cyndi Dale — Dale presents a uniquely comprehensive approach to heart disease, one which addresses not merely the physical aspects of the heart, but also its emotional and spiritual dimension. She treats this as an opportunity to love the ailing heart and to allow the heart to love. Starting […]
The Real Bloodline: The Sacred Teachings of Tim Wallace-Murphy — The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code
April 10, 2016
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The Real Bloodline: The Sacred Teachings of Tim Wallace-Murphy — The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code by Tim Wallace-Murphy — Wallace-Murphy is an international best-selling author known throughout the world for his deep knowledge of Rosslyn, the Knights Templar, Sacred Geometry and Rex Deus — the real bloodline of Jesus Christ and the sacred […]
As You Think
April 9, 2016
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As You Think by James Allen; read by Mark Allen — The inspiring wisdom found in James Allen’s As You Think has not diminished since it was originally published in 1904 and titled As a Man Thinketh. Now, his timeless gem has been updated by Marc Allen to highlight its universal principles for a contemporary […]
A Face in The Clouds
February 9, 2016
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A Face in The Clouds by Marshall Styler — Styler’s new CD is full of contemporary instrumental music that is designed to relax, heal and uplift the body, mind and soul. This gentle, impressionistic music of soft, solo recordings is a unique sound created by a combination of piano, modern digital keyboards and older classic […]
Love Reigns: Kirtan Chant
February 8, 2016
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Love Reigns: Kirtan Chant by Diana Rogers — Kirtan has the power to transport us into an ecstatic realm where our hearts are wide open to the divine. Rogers’ warm, enchanting soprano voice brings you into a joyous communion with universal compassion — to a place where all are one, and where love reigns. Produced […]
The Return of Nuwa
February 7, 2016
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The Return of Nuwa by Pilgrim — This is a groundbreaking musical journey that helps the listener deeply touch his/her essential inner feminine by harkening back musically to earlier times and civilizations when we were more connected and balanced. But it does so with 21st century technology and musical sensibilities. The eight sections follow the eight […]
February 6, 2016
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Release by Dyan Garris — Part of a new soul-soothing series of New Age music by Garris, the series is meant to help bring the positive effects of music, meditation, self-healing and vibrational attunement to all by merely following one simple instruction: just listen. This first of a new series contains 11 tracks of music […]
February 5, 2016
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Pathfinder by Will Clipman — Clipman blends exotic wind instruments, melodic percussion and vocal chants with a pan-global palette of drums within 13 tales spoken in the universal language of rhythm. These original songs are bright and energetic, and also contemplative and reflective. In addition to a diverse selection of drums, he plays a variety […]
Living Temples
February 4, 2016
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Living Temples by David Lanz and Gary Stroutsos — If you were to hear the American Southwest in a more meaningful way, how would you describe the desert’s song or the melodies arising from the red rock and the open sky? What would be the sound of this sacred place? Not content to create a […]
Spascapes: Massage
February 3, 2016
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Spascapes: Massage by Soulfood — This CD has 60 minutes of relaxing and tranquil music that will straighten out the kinks in your day and bring your body and mind into balance. Created for spas, massage and relaxation, the soothing keyboards, warm piano, Native flutes, woodwinds, crystal bowls, chimes and calming nature sounds are blended […]
Coming Home
January 27, 2016
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Coming Home by Temple — Love resonates from each note of the long-awaited musical collaboration of American singer Danya Uriel and Israeli guitarist Eyal Rivlin, the duo known as Temple. The alchemical fusion of Uriel’s angelic soprano and Rivlin’s hypnotic instrumentation results in this collection of original Hebrew chants that honor the sacred and foster […]
April 12, 2016
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