by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Rosemary grows on a small evergreen shrub belonging to the Labiatae family, and is related to mint. The tops of its leaves look like flat, deep green pine-tree needles, while they are silver-white on their underside. Rosemary’s memorable flavor and unique health benefits make it an indispensable herb for every […]
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The skinny on fats
March 6, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — High-quality fats and oils are one of the most essential foods to consume every day. They are needed as an energy source for your brain and for producing many vital hormones in the body. They are also essential for transporting all vitamins, minerals and hormones through every one of your […]
The American protein mantra
November 26, 2012
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by Dr. Thomas Lodi — Living in America, we are not only obsessed with eating and drinking protein, we also have begun to supplement non-protein foods, such as fruit, with protein powders. Considered to be the most fundamental and sacred of all nutrients, protein was discovered by the Dutch chemist Gerhard Mulder (1839). Upon discovering […]
Health updates
November 11, 2012
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The following is new information regarding your health on the labeling of “grass-fed” beef and dairy, and sweetened coffee. Factory farms seek “grass-fed” label For most people, beef labeled as “grass-fed” conjures images of animals roaming in pastures, grazing on the grasses that cattle and other animals have digested over the eons of their evolution. […]
Inside Eating Out
October 7, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Eating out has become the American way of life. One recent study showed that Americans today consume 42 percent of their calories away from home. Eating in restaurants can be a rare pleasure, a simple joy or a health nightmare. Why eat out? For many people, eating out offers the […]
Healing and Happiness
September 20, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — For most people, healing means getting rid of their symptoms. This is a level of healing I cannot dispute. However, so much more is possible. I believe all human beings should be happy, healthy and at peace most of the time. This article presents an outline of the home […]
Health updates
August 21, 2012
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The following is new information regarding food advertising to children and the demise of livestock. Food giants brainwashing kids A new study in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine reports that the annual $10 billion the food and beverage industry spends on advertising to kids is working. They found that four out of five […]
Consumers fight “pink slime”
April 12, 2012
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by Lynn O’Neill It was all over the news in March 2012 — the outrage over pink slime, a substance used as filler in ground beef, also known as lean finely textured beef or LFTB. Pink slime is a concoction of scraps, connective tissue and other parts of the cattle that has been “sanitized” with […]
Spices play a role in reduced cancer risk
April 12, 2012
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Spices are one of nature’s tasty secret weapons that can make your cooked foods healthier. The best part is that spices are relatively inexpensive and come in a wide variety of flavors. Adding them to your meat before tossing it on the grill can cut the risk of cancer, long associated with beef cooked at […]
The Art of Soup — fresh organic soups
March 5, 2012
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by Stan Kalson — Soup is an easy, delicious way to nourish the body. Generally, all you need are the basics: fresh organic vegetables, legumes, grains and meats. I remember when growing up, walking into our home and smelling a pot of soup cooking. Soup and a slice of old-world, hard-crusted bread was a satisfying […]
Health updates: Marinating meat and genetically modified
March 5, 2012
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The following is new information regarding reducing levels of cancer-causing chemicals in meat and the meaning of the stickers on our produce. Marinating meat in beer or wine reduces cancer-causing chemicals Marinating steak in beer or wine before cooking it dramatically reduces levels of chemicals that can cause cancer. Beer is more effective than wine […]
Health updates: Environmental exposure and ractopamine
February 27, 2012
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The following is information regarding environmental exposure and arthritis, and information about a drug pumped into animals days before slaughtering. Environmental exposure can trigger arthritis The links between autoimmune diseases, infections and the environment are complex and mysterious. Spondyloarthropathies, a group of common inflammatory rheumatic disorders, appear to be triggered by environmental factors. Unlike osteoarthritis, […]
Health updates: Soda fountains and memory loss
February 26, 2012
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The following is new information regarding the sanitary conditions of fast food restaurant soda fountains and reversing memory loss with physical exercise. Fecal bacteria found in nearly half of fast food soda fountains A recent study has revealed that a full 48 percent of soda fountains at fast food restaurants contain coliform bacteria — a […]
May 18, 2013
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