An insomniac’s guide for getting back to sleep fast by Diana Lang — There are times in life when we just cannot sleep. We roll over and toss and turn, becoming wide awake but hoping to fall back to sleep again. Whether it be for short intermittent periods during stressful and challenging times, or long […]
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Why your child’s sleep habits matter
March 19, 2015
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Why your child’s sleep habits matter by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — It may be hard to believe, but the fact that breathing is fundamental to life is becoming more widely acknowledged. It is humorous to even think about that statement, but the truth is that poor sleeping/breathing habits, which include snoring — or worse — […]
Having trouble sleeping?
February 9, 2015
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Having trouble sleeping? by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Are you one of the millions of people who lie awake watching the clock and wondering if sleep will ever come? For most people who suffer from insomnia, falling asleep is no guarantee that the night will be restful, according to sleep experts. Many insomniacs also have […]
Easing insomnia naturally
June 3, 2013
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Easing insomnia naturally by Maria Troia — According to the Mayo Clinic, “Insomnia is a disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep or both.” According to, this condition affects 30 to 50 percent of the general population. Additionally, up to 10 percent of them suffer from chronic […]
July 29, 2015
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