Preventative health and essential oils by Carol E. Gutierrez — The focus of the new health care reform is on preventative health and maintaining wellness. The cost of health care is rising as the population is aging, and the majority of health care dollars are spent in the last one to two years of life. […]
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Essential oils to the rescue
April 7, 2014
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Essential oils to the rescue by Carol E. Gutierrez — Living well through healthy lifestyle choices is surely the right thing to do, though not always easy. Temptations come from many types of cravings and in terms of diet, particularly with the myriad additives in food, water and beverages. When we hear on TV that […]
Which natural/integrative treatments are for you? Part I
February 21, 2014
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by Dr. Anna Nordin — A good physician will take a thorough medical history and physical examination, and perform both integrative and allopathic diagnostic tests to reach a diagnosis for his patients. Ideally, the doctor will discuss the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual contributing factors and the effects of the diagnosis. He should then […]
The many aspects of toothpaste
August 15, 2013
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by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — Toothpaste is a ubiquitous product found in practically every bathroom across the land. Have you ever given much thought as to why you select a certain brand? Is your selection based on the taste, the price or the ingredients; for prevention of cavities; or perhaps you received a free sample […]
Music therapy: A peaceful revolution
March 16, 2013
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by Sam Pasco — We all know that we are exposed to more excessive noise today than at any other time in history. Modern life can seem like an ongoing struggle to rise above the din. Home life fills our ears with barking dogs, air conditioning units, televisions, boom boxes and the kitchen vent-a-hood. What […]
Thyme — herb or medicine?
February 23, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — A member of the labiatae, or mint family, thyme is an herb that comes in many varieties and is native to the Mediterranean basin. There is only one genus of the plant (thymus vulgaris), but depending on the region in which it grows, the composition of the oil distilled from […]
How green can you glow?
February 21, 2013
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by Nonnie Knight and Lacey Grace — A green girl has got to know a few tips and tricks about beauty care and damage prevention during the frostbitten months to come. In order to have natural radiance, you need to think internally first. How green can you glow during this holiday season? Sometimes you need […]
Chives: Good for you
January 30, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) are a member of the same botanical family as onions, scallions and garlic, and have a long history of culinary and medicinal uses. Chives, and their flowers, are high in vitamin C, folic acid and potassium, and contain a high concentration of sulfur compounds and other essential […]
Add some spice to your love life
December 26, 2012
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by Tiffany Richards — For thousands of years, almost every culture has used various methods like fragrance, aroma and incense to enhance libidos, improve sexual performance and put some zip into their love lives. Cleopatra is said to have carpeted her bedroom with rose petals to seduce Marc Anthony. The ancient Romans are credited with […]
Home remedies for insect bites
December 18, 2012
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by Dr. Jennifer Burns — With the arrival of summer and the monsoon season come the bugs and the occasional unpleasant encounter they bring. Even if you think you have taken all the necessary precautions — bug lights, fly paper, outdoor bug repellent with DEET — there likely will be an unavoidable bite that causes […]
To Pluto or not to Pluto? This is the question, or is it?
December 1, 2012
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by Gabriella von Elekes — The news is out: Pluto is not a planet, after all. The astronomers’ decision became final on August 24, 2006, at the International Astronomic Union meeting in Prague, the beautiful capital of the Czech Republic. These astronomers — trying to play a number on astrologers — have most certainly created […]
Buyer beware when purchasing essential oils
October 6, 2012
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by Carol E. Gutierrez — Not all essential oils are created equal. The quality of an essential oil depends on the growing conditions, crop yield, distillation process, and integrity of the distiller and supplier. Essential oils are really not oils at all, but plant extracts, so if you place a drop of essential oil on […]
Using feng shui for heath, wellness and beauty
October 3, 2012
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by Deborah Thum — Most people who know about feng shui think it is simply about the placement of furniture to bring harmony into one’s life. Fewer people understand these same principles can be applied to the human body to chart the relationship between inner character and outer appearance. The principles of feng shui for […]
August 13, 2014
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