Stop that cold or flu before it gets started by Elaine Haynik — It is that time of year again — winter and the holidays approaching. Does that mean you must suffer with a bout of the flu, a cold or sinus infection? Realize that you can do something to prevent getting sick. So let […]
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Avoiding flu and colds
December 22, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — Advertisements are in full swing right now promoting flu shots and cold medicines. Our 24-year-old son texted me recently, asking if he should get his free flu shot at work. An emphatic “No!” was my answer. He is in fantastic health, exercises regularly and his immune system is operating the way […]
Colds and flu season
November 13, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — With flu season here, alternative treatments are your best options. Many conventional flu medicines are not effective in treating the flu and colds. The Centers for Disease Control released a study stating that the flu vaccine appears to be only 62 percent effective, and at what price? First of all, […]
Preparing yourself for fall and winter
August 13, 2013
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by Steven Cooner — For most of us, fall and winter mean potential colds, flu, arthritic conditions, asthma, allergies and changes in sleep patterns as we respond to Mother Nature’s climatic changes. Many of us simply wait for the symptoms of illness to present themselves, and then try to deal with these indications and pathogens […]
Allergy casualty? The allergy cavalry to the rescue
May 27, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — Ahhhh-choo! Ahhhh-choo! Sniffle, sniffle. Tissue … repeat. It is that time of year. Do you remember when people came to Arizona to escape allergies? With the influx of people came the influx of plants, and the rest is history. In 2011, the Huffington Post website announced that Phoenix and Las Vegas […]
The many uses of yarrow
April 7, 2013
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by Kiva Rose — At 3 years of age, I learned the name of the prolific wildflower, yarrow. When I was 7 years old, a silver-haired Spanish grandmother from my city block showed me how to use its fresh green leaves to soothe my perpetually abraded knees and elbows. Years later, this truly versatile plant […]
Biofeedback for painless feedback
March 26, 2013
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Hundreds of blood, urine, saliva and hair tests are available that can provide key answers in determining if and what malfunction your body is experiencing. While these tests can be essential in a diagnosis, all too often their results provide more questions than answers. Results vary depending on many factors […]
Herbal healing and prevention for the flu
March 22, 2013
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by Kathleen Gould — Did you know that flu shots do not offer protection from all types of flu but only the ones the manufacturers predict will be active this winter? Prevention Building a powerful immune system may be the best way to prevent the flu. Of course, this does not guarantee that you will […]
Flu season — what flu season?
March 20, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — It seems like flu is everywhere. People are coughing, blowing and sneezing. Even people who got the flu shot are getting sick. The media claim that this flu season is the worst in years. Hmmm. It seems like we heard that last year too, did we not? Then we are barraged […]
Rolfing® — A holistic approach to health
March 8, 2013
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by Deanna Melnychuk — What does rolfing do that other complementary therapies do not? Why is it considered holistic? Rolfing is more than a feel-good or fix-it alternative therapy. When connective tissue has been injured through accidents or invaded and cut via surgery, its nature is to create more connective tissue in the damaged area. […]
Thyme — herb or medicine?
February 23, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — A member of the labiatae, or mint family, thyme is an herb that comes in many varieties and is native to the Mediterranean basin. There is only one genus of the plant (thymus vulgaris), but depending on the region in which it grows, the composition of the oil distilled from […]
Boost the immune system with beta glucan
February 19, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — Do you ever get the feeling you have been duped by the food, beverage, pharmaceutical and traditional medical industries? You may be a member of the growing group that is questioning and asking, “Do I really need to take that drug or is there something natural that does not have side […]
Back to school
February 8, 2013
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by Dr. Denise Quance — Fall is quickly approaching, even if the weather does not feel like it yet, and that means a bevy of back-to-stress activities. Now that the lazy days of summer are coming to an end and the kids are returning to school, to homework and to sports, it is easy to […]
October 13, 2015
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