Primal Nutrition: Paleolithic and Ancestral Diets for Optimal Health by Ron Schmid, N.D. — The human body’s innate mechanisms for healing and immunity extend beyond the mending of cuts and broken bones or recovery from colds and flu. Given the foods we evolved to thrive on — foods our ancestors knew well — the body […]
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Why you actually need cholesterol
December 30, 2015
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Why you actually need cholesterol by Dr. Paul Stallone — There is much more to cholesterol than one might think. Most people are aware of the different forms of cholesterol. High levels of the bad type mean prescriptions and diet restrictions, while elevated good levels generally mean no changes. This may sum up what most […]
Alkaline-forming versus acid-forming foods
December 9, 2015
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Alkaline-forming versus acid-forming foods by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Most of the foods that people eat today are acid forming. These include refined grains, pasteurized dairy, conventional meat, vegetable oils, artificial sweeteners and processed sugars. A diet composed primarily of these acid-forming foods inhibits nerve function and damages cells. Experts in the field believe a […]
Back-to-school lunches
August 10, 2015
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Back-to-school lunches by Joanne Henning Tedesco — It is time for school to start, and healthy lunches are a top priority for children and adults, alike. Always pack lunches in a cooler or insulated container and include freezer packs, a sealed bag of ice or a frozen beverage to keep the food cold. If possible, […]
National campaign aims to change school foods
August 7, 2015
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National campaign aims to change school foods by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Parents across the country are becoming more aware and alarmed by the quality of food being served to their children at school. Until recently, many felt like they had little say or power to make a change in the system. A new national […]
Every Day is Game Day: Train Like the Pros with a No-Holds-Barred Exercise and Nutrition Plan for Peak Performance
March 1, 2015
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Every Day is Game Day: Train Like the Pros with a No-Holds-Barred Exercise and Nutrition Plan for Peak Performance by Mark Verstegen — As founder and president of EXOS, Verstegen has trained the world’s top athletes in sports including the NFL, Major League Baseball and worldwide soccer powers, along with the most elite “tactical athletes” […]
Top 10 foods to keep your arteries clean
February 10, 2015
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Top 10 foods to keep your arteries clean by Dr. Jack Wolfson — As a board-certified cardiologist, I believe the best way to treat heart problems is to prevent them. When it comes to prevention, nothing is more important than proper nutrition. The best foods to eat are those that would have been available to […]
Supermarket choices impact kids’ health
December 25, 2014
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Supermarket choices impact kids’ health by Dr. Nimali Fernando — According to the United States Census Bureau, supermarkets and grocery stores are a $466 billion industry. With nearly 65,000 stores nationwide, supermarkets are designed to meet the needs of those looking for convenient foods, those who want to cook from scratch and everything in between. […]
Can we get the nutrients we need from our food groups?
December 21, 2014
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Can we get the nutrients we need from our food groups? by Debbie Williams — You try to do the right things nutritionally. You educate yourself, watch documentaries and click on every Facebook post regarding health. You search the Internet to find answers to keep your family healthy and even spend extra money buying organic […]
Drink soda and grow old
December 15, 2014
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Drink soda and grow old by Mary Budinger — Soda is guilty of fostering myriad health problems, especially diabetes and heart disease. Researchers at the University of California-San Francisco took a deeper look at the mechanism involved and found the sugary beverages make the cells of our immune system age faster. The telomeres were shorter. […]
End the war on saturated fat
October 23, 2014
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End the war on saturated fat by Mary Budinger — We have been told for decades that saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease. Saturated fat has been demonized ever since Ancel Keys’s landmark “seven countries” study in 1970. But a key editorial in the British Medical Journal is asking us to “bust the […]
Coconuts are in vogue again
September 28, 2014
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Coconuts are in vogue again by Mary Budinger — Coconut oil is “OK” again — and deservedly so. It has been used for thousands of years in traditional diets, and people thrive on it. Unfortunately, it got caught up in the “fat is bad, eat carbs instead” phase that Americans plunged into in the 1970s. […]
Intravenous nutrition
August 24, 2014
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Intravenous nutrition by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — Intravenous nutrition involves vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are delivered directly into the bloodstream. Probably the most popular intravenous nutrition is the Meyers’ cocktail, named after John Meyers, M.D., who used intravenous injections to treat his patients for a variety of health conditions. Why is intravenous […]
December 31, 2015
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