WebMD partners with FDA by Mary Budinger — WebMD announced a partnership in December 2008, with the FDA to distribute FDA consumer health news and alerts on WebMD’s Internet and print outlets. The FDA’s consumer health site gets just 130,000 viewers a month, while WebMD gets almost 50 million. “We are enthusiastic about this collaboration […]
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Climate change denial funders hide donations
February 18, 2014
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by Mary Budinger — Most donations behind the climate change denial effort in the United States are “dark money,” or concealed funding, finds the first peer-reviewed, comprehensive analysis ever conducted on the sources of funding behind the campaign. A new study by Drexel University environmental sociologist Robert J. Brulle, Ph.D., found that the largest […]
Do you know the facts about Healthcare Advance Directives?
January 13, 2014
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by Stephanie Montgomery — Fewer than 25 percent of Americans have expressed in writing their thoughts about how they wish to be cared for at the end of life. By expressing your wishes clearly and in writing, you help your family and friends carry out these wishes regarding your healthcare, if or when you become […]
Medical errors leading cause of death
December 17, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — Medical errors leading to patient death occur more often than previously thought, perhaps as many as 400,000 deaths a year, according to a new study published in the Journal of Patient Safety. The study revealed that 210,000 Americans are killed by preventable hospital errors each year. When deaths related to diagnostic […]
Washington state will not label GMO foods
December 16, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — Grass-roots efforts to label foods with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the state of Washington failed at the polls on November 5. Initiative 522 would have taken effect in 2015 and it would have mandated labels on the front of food packaging. Genetically engineered produce and meat from genetically engineered animals […]
Funeral planning: Be a smart consumer
October 11, 2013
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by Stephanie Montgomery — When a loved one dies, grieving family members and friends are often confronted with dozens of decisions about the final arrangements. These decisions must be made quickly and often during a time of great emotional distress. Every family is different, and not everyone wants the same type of funeral services or […]
Volunteering should be a long-term commitment
July 30, 2013
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by Mary Sanders — When a national disaster strikes, countless numbers of people rally together to pitch in to help in almost every way imaginable. With the recent unfortunate events in the Louisiana and surrounding Gulf areas, hurricanes Katrina and Rita have not been kind in their wrath. Reading through the endless stories from survivors […]
National GMO Labeling Bill
June 23, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) recently introduced a bill requiring the nationwide labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods. Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) introduced a companion bill in the House. “We deserve to have the right to know what is in the foods we eat,” Boxer said, noting that she introduced a similar […]
Big retailer bans PFCs in clothing
March 29, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — Swedish retailer and fashion company H&M Group is pledging to stop the use of certain toxic chemicals. The company said it will no longer use perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in any items it buys after January 1, 2013. PFCs are used as a water-repellant to protect against stains, usually on outer garments, […]
GE salmon: a precedent-setting approval
March 22, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — Despite some 400,000 public comments opposing genetically engineered (GE) salmon, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on December 26, 2012, that it is prepared to give transgenic salmon its final stamp of approval. The FDA issued a positive environmental assessment and a preliminary “finding of no significant impact.” The public […]
Food or gas? The battle begins for the world’s grains
February 10, 2013
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As oil prices continue their upward spiral, there is a call to convert millions of acres of food crops to fuel crops. In the U.S., ethanol plants are being constructed on a mass scale. In Iowa alone, 55 ethanol plants are operating or have been proposed. According to Iowa State University economist Bob Wisner, if […]
Self-employed? You can still qualify for a home loan
January 24, 2013
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by Bill Strain — Income documentation is not always easy for the self-employed, commission-based or retired earner, or for any person without a fixed income or a documentable source of income. A no-income-verification loan can help consumers who find it challenging to adhere to conventional proof-of-income demands. Many self-employed entrepreneurs and business owners are concerned […]
Finding business capital in Arizona
December 29, 2012
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by Bruce L. Hodgman — Ask any entrepreneur, actual or potential, what their biggest holdup to launching or growing their business is, and the answer will come quick and sure — money. There is little doubt, if any, that finding capital to finance your business venture is the most basic and important of all your […]
June 2, 2014
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