Do you still suffer from smoking?

The homeopathic remedy, Caladium, can help reduce withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings, tension, irritability and moodiness that can result when you stop smoking.
by Dannette Hunnel —
I would like you to know that homeopathy and a few lifestyle changes can help anyone wanting to quit smoking. I know this because, aside from being a homeopath (who has helped others quit), I went through the process myself nearly 25 years ago.
The homeopathic remedy, Caladium, can help reduce withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings, tension, irritability and moodiness that can result when you stop smoking. Homeopathic remedies can also work on a psychological level, thus removing the psychological cravings and temptation to resume smoking. Homeopathic remedies are non-addictive, do not produce side effects or complications, and do no harm or produce unwanted reactions when used as directed.
The caladium plant is a beautiful, hearty plant. It is commonly referred to as the “bathroom plant” because it can live in a room without direct sunlight. Like the human lungs, it lives just fine in darker, warm, moist areas. If you look at the plant and remove its green trim, you can see that it resembles a healthy pink lung. (In homoeopathy, this is referred to as the doctrine of signatures.)
The caladium plant is from the Araceae species, which are often tuberous, such as the peace lily, and contain calcium oxalate crystals. This is interesting because calcium oxalate crystals, if ingested in the pure state, induce suffocation, thus affecting the lungs. Calcium oxalate crystals are the lead component of kidney stones, which are very prevalent in heavy smokers.
Many plants in this family are thermogenic, or heat producing. Their flowers can reach up to 45 C even when the surrounding air temperature is much lower. One reason for its unusually high temperature is to attract insects (usually beetles) to pollinate the plant, thus rewarding the beetles with heat energy.
Another reason is to prevent tissue damage in cold regions. The prevention of tissue damage and the purity of the white peace lily, I think, are a representation of the cleansing and healing of a smoker’s badly damaged lungs, often referred to as being crystallized.
Caladium is also known by the common names Elephant Ear, Heart of Jesus and Angel Wings. More than 1,000 named cultivars of caladium exist, which originated in South America; however, the majority of American bulbs now come from Lake Placid, Florida.
To use Caladium for smoking cessation, take doses of four to six pellets, dissolved under the tongue, up to four times daily for two weeks. Then, reduce to twice daily for another two weeks. Continue once daily if you still feel the need, for up to another month. Carry a vial of Caladium with you everywhere for at least two months.
Additionally, I always recommend a thorough cleansing, inside and out. The following steps are important to help get through the withdrawal process.
- Flush your body with water. At least triple your daily intake of water. Better yet, focus on drinking at least one gallon or more if you can. Actually set the gallon of water out where you can see the progress. Do not simply guess at the intake amount.
- Start taking a good quality daily multi-vitamin, a strong antioxidant to rid the body of toxins and a magnesium supplement to keep the edge off and to stay calm and relaxed.
- It is extremely important to snack on lots of raw veggies throughout the day, as they will cleanse and flush your system. Eat some vegetables that you have not tried before. Get up immediately after eating, perhaps do the dishes or take a walk.
- Shower, wash your hair and brush your teeth more often each day.
- Exercise — it passes the time, helps the body with elimination and keeps the weight off. Really break a sweat, as this cleanses the skin.
- Get plenty of fresh air. Clean the house and throw out or dry-clean all things that absorb smoke, such as curtains, bedding, throw pillows, linens, clothes, rugs and even silk plants. Throw away ashtrays. Open your house and air it out; use a disinfectant, candles or scented oils so you will start to enjoy fresh, clean smells.
- Put the money you would have spent on cigarettes into a container so you can see how much you have saved. Go for a two-month plan and decide what you are going to buy yourself as a reward. Keep your eye on the prize and treat yourself.
- Realize the damage that your second-hand smoke may have caused your loved ones, including children and pets. Focus on keeping them healthy.
- Remember, smoking is an addiction — the same as any other addiction, i.e. drugs, alcohol or gambling. Like other addictions, it hurts the people around you, those who care. Commit to them that you are going to stop.
- Definitely change your morning routine to avoid that first cigarette. Change physicality, locale habits and whatever you currently do while having a cigarette.
- Do not eat foods that make you crave a cigarette or drink alcohol for six weeks, as these tend to lessen your willpower.
- Do not sit in the same chair with your coffee while talking on the phone, using the computer, or reading the paper or a book. Change it all up.
- Tell the smokers in your life that you cannot associate with them for a short while until you get over the hump. Call someone when you need a cigarette so they can distract you.
Expect six weeks to three months to get past the cravings. Trust that you will do it. Remember, nobody ever died because they quit smoking.
Dannette Hunnel is the author of Shorten the Distance, a book focusing on long-distance parenting and a homeopathic consultant., or 602-418-0505.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 3, June/July 2014.
June 9, 2014
Alcoholism and Addiction, June/July 2014 Issue