The Compass of Now: How One Woman Became Financially Free, Healed Wounds and Inspired Millions of Hearts

The Compass of Now: How One Woman Became Financially Free, Healed Wounds and Inspired Millions of Hearts

The practice of self-awareness enables you to regain freedom and gives you the power to be free.

The practice of self-awareness enables you to regain freedom and gives you the power to be free.

by DDnard —

This is the inspiring story of the Thai spiritual healer, DDnard, who transformed herself from a penniless widow to a respected teacher and leader.

She explains how she used the wisdom, practices and tools featured in this book to pay off all her debts and become financially and emotionally free.

She is now a well-respected spiritual teacher and has been teaching the Compass insight worldwide for 16 years.

She has inspired many and put hope and strength into the hearts of millions.

DDnard takes ancient wisdom from the light of Asia to give you insight on how you can be happy, no matter what challenges you are facing.

She teaches that you always have choices to be emotionally and financially free.

You do not get what you try to attract, but what you deserve.

You change your surroundings by elevating the quality of your thoughts, which can only be done through observing your mind, which will make you happy and free, now and in the future.

The practice of self-awareness enables you to regain freedom and gives you the power to be free.


$12.95 —

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 5, October/November 2014.

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