Gagné shows us how to revitalize our connection to food and remedy our physical and psychic imbalances with the wisdom of food energetics.
by Steve Gagné —
Gagné shows us how to revitalize our connection to food and remedy our physical and psychic imbalances with the wisdom of food energetics. He provides a comprehensive catalog of foods and their corresponding energetic properties and explains how each food affects us at the deepest spiritual level.
By demonstrating how to plan meals that incorporate both dominant and compliant foods, he shows how to provide truly healthy cuisine that nourishes the body and the soul.
Gagné explains how food conveys a wisdom that is separate from the science of nutrient values; offers an approach to diet from the perspective of ancient peoples who understood how the energetic qualities of food affect both physical and spiritual health; and includes a comprehensive catalog of the energetic properties of myriad foods — from chicken, beef and potatoes to garlic, avocados, zucchini and grapefruit.
Food is more than simply fuel. It imparts a living wisdom that goes beyond the science and mechanics of calories, grams and nutrient values.
With the rise of agribusiness and industrial food production, people have become disconnected from the sources of their food and are unable to register the subtle rhythms, harmony and energies that food can convey. This separation has thrown the basic human-food relationship out of balance — to the detriment of human consciousness.
$24.95 — Healing Arts Press, One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 1, February/March 2009.
April 16, 2012
Book review