Healing the Rift: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Spirituality

April 16, 2012

Book review

The book explores the fact that the conflicts between science and spirituality can be resolved with recent scientific discoveries

by Leo Kim — 

A poll conducted by Gallup in 2000 revealed that 90 percent of the people in the United States believe in a spiritual dimension. Yet, most of us also believe in science.

These facts support the need for a work such as this, which takes the reader through a metaphysical and scientific journey that explores where we came from, what we are and the illusory nature of reality.

Kim explains the science in simple terms with numerous entertaining examples, metaphors and anecdotes as we learn how 21st century science reveals a new emerging truth and how this truth is consistent with spirituality, an afterlife and the potential human legacy. Modern science does support our spirituality.

The book explores the fact that the conflicts between science and spirituality can be resolved with recent scientific discoveries, which reveal that our world is a blending of mind and spirit. Science attempts to explain our world without a creator, spirit or design. It constantly seeks new information with which to test and revise its theories.

Spirituality accepts that the most important aspects of our world are hidden beyond human comprehension. It labels this realm spirit, soul and God. So, who is right? Are we simply a collection of cells that eventually become sick and die? Is there a plan for us?

Science addresses the second question from a different perspective than spirituality, and it ignores the third question. Spirituality focuses on the third question, and it answers the question with an emphatic “Yes!”

$24.95 hardcover — Cambridge House Press, 115 W. 29th St., New York, NY 10001.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 1, February/March 2009.

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