by Shi Xinggui —
Xinggui, a Shaolin monk, explains the fundamental principle of qi gong — the art of mastering energy (qi) and moving it through the body — and provides clear demonstrations of all the positions and movements. In order to develop qi attentively, it is necessary to cultivate the art of slowness in both movement and breathwork.
He provides both a short form and a long form of the daily exercises, with lessons on heart centering, organ strengthening and balancing the energy using the three dantians — the three energy centers of the body.
The great teacher Bodhidharma is credited with the creation of Shaolin Temple qi gong and kung fu in the 6th century CE. Motivated by the terrible physical condition of the monks who spent all their time meditating or copying scrolls, his two-part system promoted physical as well as spiritual fitness and became the basis for all the martial and meditative arts taught in the Shaolin Temple.
These ancient practices increase physical health and vitality, enhance creativity and can be practiced well into old age.
A 53-minute DVD of the exercises performed by the author is also included.
$19.95 — Destiny Books, One Park St., Rochester, VT 05767.
This is a supportive guide to approaching writing as a sacred art and to discovering spirituality through the process of writing.
April 16, 2012
Book review