In arriving at the selection of the most appropriate homeopathic remedy to treat a particular type of spiritual disturbance, it is critical to discern accurate symptoms.
by Dr. Chad Goetz —
“He is a Tasmanian devil!” Those were the words Melissa used to describe her son, Dallas, prior to his receiving treatment for a new diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Their family physician recommended he be placed on Ritalin — a sentiment echoed by his elementary school teacher, who found Dallas to be quite a disruption in her classroom. Less than enthused with this option, Melissa had heard a bit about homeopathy and decided to give it a try.
Homeopathy is a system of healing that is rooted in a profound awareness of health and disease. At its core is the understanding that most disease states are due to an imbalance within one’s spiritual vital force — the intangible force which animates the human organism at all times; the complete lack of its presence within us results in death.
As Dr. Samuel Hahnemann writes in his penetrating treatise on homeopathic principles, the Organon of the Medical Art, “… it is only the vital principle, deranged to such an abnormal state, that can furnish the organism with its disagreeable sensations, and incline it to the irregular processes which we call disease.”
Thus, when one experiences abnormal symptoms that fit the diagnosis of ADHD, depression, anxiety or any of the plethora of ailments that affect humanity, it is primarily this spiritual vital force that is in need of aid.
In arriving at the selection of the most appropriate homeopathic remedy to treat a particular type of spiritual disturbance, it is critical to discern accurate symptoms. The generalized hyperactivity of ADHD cases is absolutely meaningless to a homeopath, unless further qualified. What exactly does the person do in this hyperactive state?
In Dallas’ case, he had a bad habit of hitting his mother and sister, throwing things all over his room and destroying various items throughout the house. Another child with the diagnosis of ADHD might express different symptoms, and would thus require an entirely different remedy to annihilate the disturbance upon the spiritual vital force that is contributing to their erratic behavior.
Dallas has now been taking the homeopathic remedy best suited to his specific spiritual disturbance for several months now — all to the astonished delight of his family and teacher. No longer does he fit the popular definition of a “Tasmanian devil”; he has now evolved into a well-adjusted, focused and healthy boy with a very bright future.
Dr. Chad Goetz is a naturopathic physician specializing in Hahnemannian Homeopathy. He has a private practice in downtown Phoenix and is one of the attending physicians at the River Source Naturopathic Detox Center in Mesa, Ariz. 480-375-1975 or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 5, October/November 2005.
August 5, 2013
ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Homeopathy, Natural medicine and Natural Therapies