The authors have set out to debunk the myths surrounding organic food and give readers the knowledge to make informed decisions about which organic foods to buy and which ones not to buy.
A Field Guide to Buying Organic
by Luddene Perry and Dan Schultz —
You can now take the guesswork out of your organic shopping experience with this definitive guide to making good, healthy food choices that answers frequent consumer questions.
The authors have set out to debunk the myths surrounding organic food and give readers the knowledge to make informed decisions about which organic foods to buy and which ones not to buy.
Consumers are guided through the organic food aisles with such information and tips as an aisle-by-aisle guide to help navigate your way through the supermarket and health food store shelves.
Included in the book are “best bets” charts for buying conventional and organic in each food group; buying tips; useful tools such as label and ingredient comparisons, a brand guide and explanation of processing methods; and self-tests to determine your current organic-shopping habits.
$14 — Bantam Dell Book, a Division of Random House, 1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 5, October/November 2005.
April 4, 2016
Book review, October/November 2005 Issue