A Guide to Longevity

Happiness is first a decision. Always remember this. It is a decision and a commitment to stick to, no matter what.
by Dr. Larry Wilson —
In this article, I offer some guidelines for getting on a path toward maximum human development and, subsequently, a longer lifespan. The suggestions below will give you food for thought and cover many aspects of life. This article is short and to the point, as we are always in a hurry. Read it over many times; a lot is squeezed into this article.
Safety is important in all areas of life and is needed for survival. It encompasses school, lifestyle, job, hobbies, friends and social life.
Safety is an attitude. Whenever you think about anything, ask yourself if it is safe. Are you making life changes, driving somewhere, meeting someone, or thinking of attending a college or program of some kind? First ask yourself if it is safe.
Many things people do are not safe. Driving a car is really not that safe. Meeting strangers, especially if you are a woman, is not that safe. Hobbies like skiing, dipping into swimming pools and hot tubs (due to bacteria), and flying in planes might not be that safe. So try to think “safety first.” It may sound boring, but it is worth doing.
To be safe, you must rest and sleep appropriately. Like a dead or dying battery, many people’s bodies do not recharge properly during sleep, which slows healing and development, and can even shorten one’s lifespan.
Do not sleep less because you feel it is a waste of time. Start a nutritional balancing program that can restore your energy.
Another safety matter is to wear good quality shoes; walk slowly and carefully so you do not fall. This is especially true for those over the age of 40 who are statistically more prone to bone breaks.
Self-discipline or self-control
Self-discipline is important in all areas of life; however, it is particularly important in the areas of food and sex.
• Food choices and diet. This requires self-discipline, which is a must with all the junk food available everywhere.
Eat a lot of cooked vegetables; raw vegetable salads are not as good. Skipping cooked vegetables is a mistake. Do not follow vegetarian diets, as they can be deficient in beneficial nutrients.
Lamb is the best red meat to consume; try to eat it twice a week. If you do not like the taste, spice it up. Eat animal protein only once or twice daily, and eat only 4 to 5 ounces per serving. Do not fill up only on meat protein.
Stay away from all fruit and wheat. I know it is difficult to do, but these are not good food choices these days. Even some fruits labeled as organic can contain pesticides and toxic potassium from the superphosphate fertilizers used. Wheat is often hybridized and can be irritating to the body.
Never make excuses for why you eat incorrectly. Some over used excuses include that you do not have time, are traveling, or your friends or family do not want to eat the way you do. Excuses are not helpful, ever. Just eat properly; you will be happy you did.
• Sex and relationships. Limit dating. Most dating is not safe, and dating in high school is a bad idea, in my view. It is a waste of time that causes young people to stay up late at night, mix with others who are sick, pick up sexually transmitted diseases (even just by kissing or holding hands), and accomplishes little to nothing.
Marriage can be a good situation for most people. However, try to wait until you are clear about what you are seeking. To find the right person, look toward your friends, acquaintances and work colleagues.
Do not rush into it. If the person you are interested in gives you an ultimatum to marry, such as “now or never,” go elsewhere. Ideally, wait until you are at least in your mid-20s or older. When you are younger, your judgment and that of your partner’s is usually not developed or mature enough.
Learning and education are important in improving your choices in the areas of food, activity and rest. However, it must be the right kind of learning — going to college or surfing the Internet do not necessarily provide the correct answers.
• Biographies. Read biographies of respected and wonderful people that will inspire you. Read about educators, such as Booker T. Washington and Maria Montessori, and great statesmen, such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. Read about great scientists, such as Albert Einstein. If you do not want to read an entire book, look them up on the Internet and read there.
• Geography. Learn about unusual places and unusual people. Among my favorites are the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert and the Australian Aborigines.
• Science. It is fine to read about science; however, beware that scientific information can be inaccurate or evolving.
Always remember these Biblical ideas: Seek and you shall find; ask and it shall be given; and knock and the door shall be opened. So whatever it is you want to know — ask for it in prayer, sincerely and constantly, and it will be shown to you.
This is another aspect of safety, and it is extremely important for longevity.
• Infections. Most people do not realize that many things we touch can be infected with bacteria, viruses, parasite eggs and more. Many young people do not understand this until it is too late.
These “bugs” can easily find their way into the body and cause disease. Make no mistake about it — infections weaken the body. Sexually transmitted infections are among the worst because the warm, moist locations in which they harbor makes them much harder to kill.
The media and medical profession spread the lie that most infections can be cured. This is not true. Today, more antibiotic resistant bacteria are lurking. Also, antibiotics used for treatment are so toxic that they can be as bad for the body as some infections.
Viruses are harmful, too, and doctors do not have medications for them. Do not believe natural healers who say they can cure anything with oregano oil or other natural products. That is not true, either. The only way to get rid of most infections is to strengthen the entire body. This takes a few years of following a nutritional balancing program.
“Developing yourself,” a special healing process described on my website, drlwilson.com, is an excellent way to get rid of chronic infections. It, too, takes a few years, but it is well worth the effort.
• Brain. Many infections spread easily to the brain where they affect one’s thinking and longevity. So try to be careful about where you go, what you touch, the air you breathe, where you eat, and with whom you are intimate or even friendly.
Loving kindness toward all
This may sound corny; however, it is a key to a healthier life. Wish everyone well, and you will benefit. Do not hold grudges and resentments. Learn to forgive everyone for everything and do it now. Forgiving does not mean you condone their behavior; nor does it mean you have to stay in touch with them. It means you let go of them and move on along the path of long life and health.
Also, do not hate anyone or anything. This does not mean you have to “love” people when they are crazy, cruel, mean or nasty. It means you do not make a fetish out of hating and disliking anything or anyone.
Loving kindness toward everyone also means not to cheat and steal. Many people do this because they think it does not matter, and since everyone does it a little, who cares?
None of these attitudes are healthy. Realize that we are all one in this world and, at some level, nothing is hidden from God or His angels. Even small transgressions are being watched, and you are judging yourself for them, as well. It simply is not worth it.
If you feel you must lie and steal just to stay alive, you are in a most unfortunate situation. In this case, try to change your life, whom you associate with, where you live, or something else so you do not have to live a lying and cheating existence.
Also, do not mooch off of the government. Government administrations can encourage an attitude of laziness, cheating and living off the rich. Do not fall for it. It is not wise or moral.
If you must get unemployment insurance or disability payments, stop them as soon as you can. You will feel better. Turn in your food stamps as soon as possible rather than believing you deserve them, or concocting other excuses for taking handouts that the nation really cannot afford.

Happiness is first a decision. Always remember this. It is a decision and a commitment to stick to, no matter what.
You must decide to be happy, and choose to be grateful and full of love and faith. All of this is happiness.
Happiness is first a decision. Always remember this. It is a decision and a commitment to stick to, no matter what.
Happiness is not having a million dollars, a big car, a lot of friends or a lot of sex. None of these brings happiness. Abraham Lincoln, a man worth reading about, once said “A person is about as happy as he or she decides to be.”
This sounds incredible to some people who are weekend warriors and fair weather people. They depend on the right circumstances around them in order to be happy. Do not be like them. Be happy, no matter what — it works.
Love thyself
Another important concept if you wish to live a prosperous life is that you must love yourself. It does not matter how you feel, how smart you are, how attractive you are, or no matter what is going on in your life. This is absolutely required for proper longevity of the body, brain and spirit.
Loving yourself means that you accept yourself. It does not mean you indulge yourself. It means you accept yourself as you are, although you are working to improve. It does not mean you are satisfied, but it means you accept, embrace and love yourself.
It also means you will let go of any negative attitudes about yourself, such as “I do not deserve a good life,” “I am just a sinner,” and others like it.
Relax and think long-term
Relaxing means just that. If you are uptight a lot of the time, try to change how you think and what you do so that you will relax the body and the brain.
Thinking long-term means not becoming too caught up with current situations or events. This is difficult for most people, but well worth practicing.
Instead, realize that all things change, and that this too shall pass. It is helpful to cultivate a long-term view of events and people. It will also help you relax and stay relaxed, which greatly assists healing the body and the brain.
If you do this, you will often outlast your competition, your adversaries and other obstacles in the way. This is not just a theory. If you live longer and are healthier than they are, you will indeed outlast them.
Share or give service
If you really care about people and about the world, you will naturally want to be of service to others.
You will always have plenty of time for more selfish pursuits, but you will be in this world for a while, so you should want to make it better, not just for others, but for your own benefit, as well.
The type of service you do is less important than the idea of being of service. You can own a business, work for someone else, help out friends, volunteer somewhere, do research or a hundred other possibilities.
The main point is to think in terms of service. Whatever you do, think of it as your service — not just as a career, job, way to make money or something to fill your time.
Clichés that oppose my viewpoint
Below are some common clichés which can cloud our judgment with respect to living a healthier life. Be wary when you hear these.
- I will rest and sleep when I am dead.
- You only live once.
- The doctors will take care of my health.
- It is better to burn out than to rust out.
- Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die.
- I am paying for medical insurance, so I might as well visit the doctors and take their drugs.
- Let us get wasted for fun.
- A little filth is good.
Dr. Lawrence Wilson has a medical degree and has been in the health field for more than 30 years. His books include Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis, Legal Guidelines for Unlicensed Practitioners, Healing Ourselves and Manual of Sauna Therapy and The Real Self. He also co-authored Toxic Metals in Human Health and Disease and contributed to The Dangers of Socialized Medicine. drlwilson.com or 928-445-7690.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 35, Number 1, February/March 2016.
February 10, 2016
Beauty and Anti-aging, Featured, February/March 2016 issue, Seniors, was on front page