Naturopathic (alternative) medicine has the reputation of being very effective in cases where conventional medicine fails.
by Dr. Denise Grobe —
The popularity of naturopathic medicine is on the rise due to the awareness of many that its counterpart (conventional medicine), is often just a quick-fix and not a cure. Conventional medicine generally relies on surgeries and medications to eliminate diseases and abnormalities, and to ease the discomforts of chronic and acute pain.
Naturopathic (alternative) medicine has the reputation of being very effective in cases where conventional medicine fails. Effectively lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and improving blood sugar balance are good examples. However, it is important to keep in mind that curing the body using naturopathic medicine takes a bit more time and effort. A major difference between these two forms of medicine is that while conventional medicine is quick to temporarily stop symptoms, alternative medicine can rid the body of the entire illness and prevent its return.
Naturopathic verses conventional medicine
First and foremost, naturopathic medicine differs from conventional medicine in philosophy. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) are trained to treat the whole person, not just the symptoms or disease. Many factors contribute to the development of a disease state; NDs consider all the intertwining factors to determine the possible causes for the development of the disease or illness. This is important because it allows for treatment of the real causes rather than just management of the symptoms. Only when you have established the cause of an illness can you really treat to cure.
A naturopathic physician will pull from a wide array of advanced healing practices, including nutritional medicine, which focuses on what you are eating and how it may be causing or contributing to your illness, and how changing your diet and nutritional intake can heal you. NDs may also use traditional Chinese medicine, which encompasses the popular herbal medicine of tinctures and pills, acupuncture and cupping, and botanical medicine, which uses whole plants to encourage proper function of organs and glands — plus many more.
The next step in naturopathic medical care is a crucial one that is many times missed in conventional medicine. It involves the doctor monitoring overall progress and, if necessary, a change of treatment will be implemented according to the changing condition and symptoms.
To diagnose and treat common conditions, a naturopathic doctor may take an extensive medical and social history, and review and evaluate lab work, diet, lifestyle habits and nutrition.
The ND may recommend treating with acupuncture, nutritional medicine, homeopathy, botanical medicine or recommend neurotransmitter testing or naturopathic protocols which treat the abnormally growing cells, as well as the patient systemically.
Remember, if you want to be healthy and treat the cause of your disease you will benefit from seeing a naturopathic physician who will help you reach your goals of no illness, no pain and no disease.
Denise Grobe is a naturopathic physician at the Center for True Harmony Wellness & Medicine, in Mesa, Ariz. She specializes in gut health issues and women’s medicine. 480-539-6646, [email protected] or www.trueharmonywellness.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 30, Number 6, December 2011/January 2012.
August 16, 2012
Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Diet, Healing, Homeopathy, Natural medicine and Natural Therapies, Nutrition