A precious gift to give

The world is changing; it is time to step outside your comfort zone and test new territories that beckon your attention.
by Dawn Fleming —
Throughout the year, you may have received and given myriad gifts. Now consider giving yourself the best gift of all — permission to be who you truly are. It is time to stop living on automatic pilot and for the approval of others. Give yourself permission to live the life that you have been longing for.
Be daring and be different. Let go of what is not working for you. Feel where the energy wants to take you; go boldly. The world is changing; it is time to step outside your comfort zone and test new territories that beckon your attention. Give yourself permission to travel, to say no more often, to speak your truth, to open your heart to receive love at a deeper level and to find meaning in the most unexpected places.
Give yourself permission to be with your breath, feel it move in and out of your body. Stay with it as it fills your chest. Feel it nourish and nurture your body on all levels. Take a breath between sentences and connect with Spirit in the pause between your words. Enter into the depths of your spiritual essence. Release this essence and share it with the world around you.
Give yourself the approval and acceptance that you have longed for from family, friends and coworkers. What a tremendous gift this is. Once you accept and approve of you, then you will no longer need to seek these qualities outside of yourself. Look in the mirror and say, “I love myself and I am perfect just the way I am.” Smile at the image that is reflected to you in the mirror.
Empower yourself daily. Ask, “Am I doing what brings me joy? Am I losing energy or feeling supported in what I am doing?” Act accordingly; you have no time to lose. Life is precious and every moment can be filled with blessings and grace when we say yes to what feeds and nourishes us on all levels.
Many people have shared their stories of how giving themselves permission to live differently has dramatically changed their life for the better and made it easier to make additional changes. Small steps lead to big leaps in understanding and awareness.
Instead of doing what you have always done or how you have been trained to respond in certain situations, ask yourself, What is right for me in this moment? By aligning with the energy of what is right for you at that moment, you bring forth a transformative energy that directs and guides you. You bring forth endless blessings and grace into all moments.
Start today and give yourself the gift of the highest expression of who you are. Blessings and grace are part of the Creator’s natural gifts to you as you give yourself permission to live your truth.
Dawn Fleming is the author of Creating a Successful Holistic Health Practice and Perspectives on Ascension. Free inspirational newsletter and e-book at www.energytransformations.org.
From the AzNetNews library, February/March 2009.
May 30, 2014
Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Featured, February/March 2009 Issue, Self-improvement