If the paradigm of lessons is the issue, then ask yourself how many lessons it takes in your continuum to get to the point of them all.
by Sherry Anshara —
What happens if the power of now is based on the “then?” Then what happens? The evidence is overwhelming that history repeats itself over and over again. So, how can we live in the now if so much of it is based upon what happened previously?
It is not that this idea is bad or even good. However, what would be the purpose of rehashing the past in different scenarios? If you believe in karma, lessons and reincarnation, then it would make sense. But is there any sense to continuing to repeat a past that is dysfunctional?
If the paradigm of lessons is the issue, then ask yourself how many lessons it takes in your continuum to get to the point of them all. How much of your valuable time is wasted reinventing various scenarios attached to the same lessons? How many wasted valuable minutes, hours, years and lifetimes does it take to re-create the same lessons? Are you bored yet?
Karma is the same thing. You already know what goes around comes around. You are the one who makes what goes around come around to you. Have you ever asked yourself what is the point of recycling karma? What is the point of lessons or karma if there is no end in sight?
Now add reincarnation to the mix. Ever wonder or ask yourself what is the point of reincarnation anyway — especially if you are guaranteed another lifetime round of dysfunctional challenges? Was it really meant to be this way for you and everyone?
Hardly! The best and only way to move beyond this paradigm is to first recognize they are the same thing. They are not meaningful, they are mean. Unless you prefer to continue the do-overs.
So, let go! How? By recognizing, accepting and then making a clear agreement with yourself, that enough is enough. Surrender! Surrender does not mean losing. It is not losing anything. Surrender is the agreement with yourself that the past is over. The past is now only a non-emotional reference point.
You did get the lesson. You realize you don’t have to repeat any karmic payback. You can, by clear choice, begin to live the life you determine supports and honors you without all the boring trauma dramas. You can now begin to incarnate your life each and every day without the lesson, karma and reincarnation hangovers from the past.
Move on. Enjoy yourself. After all … en-joy means the joy is “in” side of you. Enjoy your self. Enjoy your life.
Sherry Anshara is a medical intuitive, author, founder of the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness and creator of QuantumPathic Energy Methodsm in Scottsdale, Ariz. She hosts Conscious Healing, 5 p.m., Wednesdays on achieveradio.com. www.quantumpathic.com, sherryanshara@quantumpathic.com or 480-609-0874.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 1, Feb/March 2009.
March 5, 2012
Metaphysical, Peace / peace of mind, Self-improvement, Spiritual