Accepting our lives wherever we find ourselves, we can feel gratitude for everything we have. If we could manage such an attitude, how would our lives begin to change?
by Sara Payne —
With the arrival of the new year, many people have put thought into resolutions for change. Perhaps we could also put some thought into two vastly underrated concepts: acceptance and gratitude.
If we really understood the gifts that genuine, heart-felt gratitude could bring into our lives, we might see how those gifts could easily translate into abundance in all areas — health, happiness and success.
Examine your life as it stands now; how much energy do you put into worry, fear or regret? As we focus on problems, we expand them and, therefore, remain where we are, or even worsen our situation.
Whatever we focus on grows, regardless of whether that focus happens to be positive or negative. The Universe always remains neutral; it can only bring to us that into which we put our energy and attention. This is referred to as the Law of Attraction — an immutable universal law.
Accepting our lives wherever we find ourselves, we can feel gratitude for everything we have. If we could manage such an attitude, how would our lives begin to change?
Acceptance is just the beginning, the starting point for creating a different outcome. Some feel that acceptance puts them in the position of resignation to a life they do not want; they see it, in essence, as a form of giving up. These people fear that if they accept what they have, they will be stuck with it. This is untrue, though, because acceptance allows us a place to move away from.
If we are not struggling against something — judging, criticizing and complaining — we are no longer focused upon it. This allows us the freedom to examine our lives without emotional attachment, and recognize that what we have been creating no longer works for us. Only then can we set new goals, make new choices and think new thoughts.
If you find yourself in this pattern, try the following experiment for 30 days.
Every night while getting ready for sleep, call to mind all the things in your life that bring a feeling of gratitude. You may want to start with the basics, like shelter, food and clothing. Remember, these are things most people take for granted; however, for some, they simply are nonexistent. Let your feelings of gratitude swell within you.
Then move on to other blessings in your life, and allow yourself to fall asleep in that peaceful feeling of safety and comfort. You may even want to write these things down in a “gratitude” journal for future reference and as a wonderful reminder when you need one.
During your day, any time a negative thought comes into your mind, or a feeling of helplessness or hopelessness enters, pivot it. Take a deep, conscious breath and do an about-face, turning away from the negative feeling as you point yourself once again in the direction of gratitude. Do not allow yourself to dwell on problems; rather allow your energy to shift into faith, comfort and peace. Think about what you want to feel, have and be.
Do this for a full 30 days with the intention of changing your life, and you will be amazed at the results!
The importance of acceptance and gratitude is not to be taken lightly. If we realize that the life we have created is our responsibility, then we owe it to ourselves to examine what we have been doing, or not doing, that serves us. We tend to take many things for granted, forgetting that they can, at any moment, disappear.
Isn’t it time to start acknowledging your role in writing the script of your life? There is no time like the present to practice awareness at each and every moment. The now moment is all we truly have, so why not make the most of it? Cultivate the practice of acceptance and gratitude, and transform your life.
Sara Payne, C.Ht., is a certified hypnotherapist, empowerment coach and hypnosis-for-childbirth practitioner with offices in Scottsdale and Mesa. 602-290-3860. www.spayne.byregion.net or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 1, February/March 2006.
April 22, 2013
Anxiety, Fear, Gratitude, Happiness, Health, Journaling, Peace / peace of mind, Self-esteem, Self-improvement, Success