The opposite of love is resistance — and resistance is a powerful disconnection, a dissonance with the overall whole. Unconditional love allows us to meld into the whole and expand into our possibilities.
by Jim Hamilton —
America is a country of vast natural resources, the most important of which are her people. Normally, the riches of a country are tallied by what can be mined, shipped, stripped, pumped, cut or wrested from the earth. However, because humans possess the capacity for thought and the capacity to produce labor (as a product of thought), humans are far and away the most valuable resources on the planet.
Not only are human beings renewable resources, generation after generation, but when humans change their minds (which can happen in the twinkling of an eye), refine their focus or learn something new, their value, output and influence grows substantially.
When allowed to flourish, humans are capable of stunning brilliance. They have the capacity to create that which is second only to Nature itself. When able to tap into their potential, without fear of reprisal or punishment, humanity is capable of startling possibilities and solutions. When aligned with certain innate principles, humanity, as the offspring of Nature, knows no bounds. In fact, humanity, through the resources of the mind and its connection with the Infinite, has no limits.
As Americans come to understand their true nature and their most valuable asset — themselves — only then can they become effective in a seemingly chaotic world. The voice of the people, unfettered by rules and regulations, befits our American heritage with courage, heart and awareness of our similarities. Our capacity to effectively influence the whole is simply a matter of knowing the difference between right and wrong and speaking out in an effective and useful manner. And, lest we forget, America was founded on the inalienable right of the people to prosper and become their possibilities.
Only humans know what is important to humans. Only humans have a nervous system that can help identify what is right for themselves and each other. Compare that to the artificial entities of corporations (governmental, religious and traditional for-profit), sans nervous systems and driven by the bottom lines of profit and power, thereby creating a second type of leadership on the planet. With these soulless and relatively ageless artificial entities acting as leaders — albeit, stand-ins for humans unwilling to make useful choices for themselves — the plunder of the planet for profit continues.
Master teachers, made of flesh and connected to the cosmos, taught unconditional love as the solution to all problems. Why unconditional love? Ultimately, because love (acceptance) is the connection that everything shares — an unfolding that is ever symmetrical, harmonious and resonant with everything else.
The opposite of love is resistance — and resistance is a powerful disconnection, a dissonance with the overall whole. Unconditional love allows us to meld into the whole and expand into our possibilities. Americans have begun to understand that what we focus on expands, what we resist persists, and what we fight for or against or attempt to force, engenders our limitations.
Who are the leaders? Humans are the leaders. What are the tools of the leaders? Nervous systems with conscious connection to the symmetry, harmony and resonance of a perfectly unfolding Universe and choice of alignment with our highest good — the good of all. Conscious consentience is a conscious series of choices made from a perspective of love aligned with the forces of the Universe. It is all-powerful in the hands of individuals aligned with what is true. Out of the contrast of chaotic times, Americans have it well within their grasp to become effective leaders on the planet, individually and collectively. Solutions are but a collective thought away.
J. Hamilton is an author of Visionaries Thrive in All Times: Blueprint for Reality Creation and lives in Sedona, Arizona. 928-282-0807, [email protected] or www.visionarieslab.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 6, December 2005/January 2006.
July 4, 2013
Communication, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Goals, Love, Self-improvement, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical