Hypnotherapy works by enabling you to get into a relaxed state; then the therapist speaks directly to your subconscious.
by Heather Addington —
Stopping smoking is always number one on someone’s wish list. Often it will be on that person’s list every year. They may be able to stop smoking for a short time, but eventually are plagued with thoughts of smoking again. These thoughts are quite normal and happen to the best of people.
Well, guess what? Those thoughts do not have to reappear this time!
The only way to prevent these insidious thoughts from creeping back in is by changing them permanently. That may not sound easy, but through hypnotherapy, these thoughts can be changed easily. In fact, it may be the only true way to change them permanently — and quickly.
Hypnotherapy works by enabling you to get into a relaxed state; then the therapist speaks directly to your subconscious mind. The subconscious is very suggestible and will accept ideas that are agreeable, but don’t worry; it will also reject anything you don’t agree with.
The key for hypnotherapy to work is the absolute desire to quit smoking. Hypnotherapy isn’t magic. As stated above, you won’t change your thoughts about something you don’t agree with. If you truly want to stop smoking permanently, however, hypnotherapy will work for you.
The best news is that when next year comes around, you will have to find something else for your New Year’s resolution. What a great feeling!
Heather Addington, M.A., specializes in hypnotherapy for smoking cessation. She holds a master’s degree in counseling, along with other certifications and licenses. [email protected], www.HypnoArizona.com and 602-684-0925.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 27, Number 2, April/May 2008.
July 27, 2012
Alcoholism and Addiction, Health, Hypnosis, Self-improvement