Are you woman or man enough?

This year, will you actually take on your life, fully and completely, and live every moment of it with everything you were given, openly, gratefully, lovingly?
by Shirley Osborne —
It is a new year. You have made your resolutions, you have written them down and now you are moving ahead, full speed. “New year, new me,” you said. “Out with the old, in with the new — this is the year of me.”
It is still early, so you are doing fine. But, as time passes, what will your life look like? Will this be a year like every other? Will you be the same as you always were? Or, will you stay on track?
This year, will you actually take on your life, fully and completely, and live every moment of it with everything you were given, openly, gratefully, lovingly? This year, are you going to be woman or man enough to follow through on yourself?
It all comes down to how you answer this handful of questions. Are you woman or man enough to play the biggest game of your life and to play it big — really big — every step of the way? Are you big enough to play to win?
Are you big enough to let that magnificent person out? Why are you hiding that person anyway? What are you afraid of?
It’s a brand new year. New year, new you, remember? Let the real you out. Be bold. Buy a pair of bright red shoes and wear them, literally and figuratively. Let this truly be the year of you. All it takes is that you be you. Truly. Awesomely. Magnificently. Go deep. Take a stand. Walk in stardust.
Shirley Osborne, MBA, is lead coach and consultant with Empress, a program of Regal Outcomes, a women’s communications and life-coaching organization. 602-367-3864.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 23, Number 1, February/March 2005.
March 24, 2015
Featured, February/March 2005 Issue, Life Coaching