Autism: Shifting the paradigm

One in every 150 children born in the United States will fall somewhere on the autism spectrum (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007).

by Kymla J. Eubanks — 

One in every 150 children born in the United States will fall somewhere on the autism spectrum (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007). We are presented with the opportunity to shift the paradigm by adapting our world to fit these children if we view their needs from a higher perspective.

Historically, through a variety of interventions, we have sought to help these children function in society, reach their highest potential and enjoy the fullest quality of life. This paradigm was somewhat successful because we adapted the child to fit into our world. In recent years, we have begun to shift this by adapting our homes, schools, parks and daily lives to make the world fit our children. On a soul level, their presence can be seen as a gift to encourage us to change how we live by going back to a more natural way of doing things.

Globally, environmental lawyers are working to protect the environment and promote human health. Nationally, consumers are driving the market for toxin-free, green products. At school, parents are making educated choices to find the right environment to support their children’s sensory and structural needs. On a personal level, we are working to create a better world for all of our children by viewing their needs from a higher, more “whole-istic” perspective.

Right now is an exciting time. As we help to shift the paradigm for children within the autism spectrum by adjusting our environment to meet their needs, we are, in turn, shifting the paradigm for our planet.


Kymla J. Eubanks is the founder and director of Higher Octave Healing, a “whole-istic” agency committed to promoting the highest quality of life possible for each individual.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 1, Feb/Mar 2009.

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