Avoid bad vibes in your home

Bad vibes are negative energy, known in feng shui terminology as Sha Chi. This energy can linger in your home without you even knowing it
by Joy Abrams —
Bad vibes are negative energy, known in feng shui terminology as Sha Chi. This energy can linger in your home without you even knowing it. One of the ways it is created is by negative experiences that remain blocked in the auras of people, animals and things.
It is difficult to totally avoid negative energy, but here are a few suggestions that will help clean up the chi in your home and keep more bad vibes from entering.
- Do not invite unfavorable guests to your home. This is difficult for some people, especially when it involves relatives. You may feel like you must invite certain family members in, even if they have been unkind to you and perpetually create toxic situations. A better approach, and one that will help create harmony, is to meet these relatives at a neutral place, such as a restaurant. This will prevent their negative energy from infiltrating and lingering in your home.
- Do not keep the ashes of the deceased. The death of a loved one is very difficult and, oftentimes, people want to hold onto the ashes for comfort. As hard as it may be, you need to let this person’s energy soar, which cannot happen if the ashes are sitting in a container on the fireplace mantle. Ashes also need to be freed so that you can start a new chapter in your life.
- Never display trophy animals in your house. Dead animals have stagnant, dead energy. Animals should only be killed for survival, never as a demonstration of strength or power.
- Do not use dried flowers in your home. Although dried flowers are big business, they carry stale, negative energy and emit dead chi into the air. They are dust collectors that should not be in your hom
- Get rid of gifts from negative family members and friends. Instead, surround yourself with things that were given to you with love, as these items exude good chi. Donate or throw away any items that were not given with thoughts of love and caring.
- Do not listen to violent hard rock music in your home. Music carries positive or negative vibrations. It is important to surround yourself with beautiful music that creates a positive mood in your environment.
While it can be challenging to avoid all bad vibes in your home, taking the above steps will help you create and maintain more positive energy in your environment.
Joy Abrams, M.A., FSII, is a feng shui and yoga master and an international author who offers feng shui consultations. 602-791-5223, www.aaafengshuiandyoga.com or www.empowermentwithjoy.com.
From the Archives of AzNetNews.
January 18, 2015
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