Be true to yourself

Our emotions, thoughts and health are observable, since they are reflected in the sounds within our voice.
by Jill Mattson —
A great stream of information surrounds us that reflects our subconscious mind. You could say that the truth is hiding from us in plain sight. Cutting-edge science now allows us to look at our subconscious mind in the most unsuspecting place. Consider that a crystal breaks out light into component pitches (wavelengths) and, likewise, software breaks out our voices into component pitches.
Our emotions, thoughts and health are observable, since they are reflected in the sounds within our voice. This is because each function in our body has its own frequency, its own unique vibration. Our voice is our vibrational fingerprint. You can try it for yourself and break your voice into its component pitches with free software at Sharry Edward’s site:
By reversing our voice at certain speeds, David Oakes has shown that it contains hidden words. This is replicable; everyone’s voice contains words when reversed. Our subconscious, perhaps a mirror identity hidden inside of us, speaks out. When we lie, it speaks truth.
Perhaps this is why our intuition prickles when someone misleads us — our subconscious hears the hidden message. Somewhere in our being we hear the two messages — forward and reverse. When Jesus spoke of liars as having a forked tongue, perhaps he was referring to the two messages of information contained in one voice.
The real intrigue comes in when you consider how much information you hide from yourself. How many times do you believe you are telling the truth, but your subconscious mind tells a different story? Many people point out how difficult it is to know yourself, because you do not know what is hidden.
Oakes reports that people’s hidden messages reflect unhealed wounds, names of people close to us, deeper truths, things that we conceal and, yes, lies. A friend, Ann, said that she was going to school but uncertainty was in her voice. Upon deeper reflection, Ann had to move to get her kids into a school close to hers before she could go. Only after she moved could I hear the harmonic resolve in her voice. When she first spoke to me, she ignored that she had not moved yet, making it impossible for her to go to school, but somewhere deep in her unconscious mind, she knew this.
Great avatars say, “The truth of who you are will set you free.” Upon deeper reflection, if we spoke our deep truth — not pleasing other people with insincere niceties, not being afraid to look at and forgive our own shortcomings, not thinking we forgave someone as we daydream of his demise — then our voice would be clear. Dissonance sounds bad. A beautiful-sounding voice reflects inner harmony and inner truth.
It is not about lies so much as it is about what we are afraid to face within. Face your own dark energy and quit hiding from your faults. Acknowledge your pain and shame so you can release it. The antidote is to feel your pain, as this allows for a release. This is why grieving works. It is not as frightening or as painful a process as you might think. It will not destroy you. Within a surprisingly brief time, your pain can dissipate. Listening to special cathartic music can also help you release your stored negative emotions.
Pay attention to your voice’s subtle differences — when it changes, something within has moved. Your voice reflects when you are sick, but it also reflects your mood and thinking differences. Listen carefully to see within.
Our goal is to have our voice — even deeply hidden feelings and fears — be beautifully harmonic. Complete transparency, first and foremost within ourselves, is healing and empowering to our health, emotions and well-being.
Jill Mattson has spent 20 years researching vibratory sound energy for healing and specializes in sound secrets of ancient civilizations. She composes and produces CDs, employing sound-healing techniques and energies. 814-657-0134, or
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 4, August/September 2014.
August 15, 2014
August/September 2014 Issue, Featured