Being vulnerable is your inner strength, not your weakness
by Sherry Anshara —

Those illusional walls — that narrow peephole — were not protecting you; they were preventing you from living. Go out, be vulnerable and open and seize the opportunities that await you.
Many of us have been taught that being vulnerable equates with being weak and powerless. Vulnerable, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, means “susceptible, defenseless, helpless, at risk and in a weak position.” Accepting that definition, a perfect duality or third-dimension definition keeps you positioned in a weakened stance in life. It promotes and supports victim mentality and all the mental and physical characteristics of that consciousness. It is a perfect control mechanism to keep you stuck in fear and from living your life to the fullest.
Imagine, if you will, looking out the peephole of your front door — a very narrow range of sight. You cannot really see much. You cannot really experience much, either. If your life unfolds on this limited, restricting road, you will waste time and miss opportunities as they come along.
Erecting protective walls around yourself as a way to survive life’s many experiences creates the same narrow mental picture. Living in survival and protection consciousness is not conducive to living fully or creating your life to its furthest potential and possibilities. Frankly, it is neither fun nor rewarding.
Why not take a different view? Tear down the walls, expand your narrow peephole perspective, and see the greatness of your life. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable will not only allow you to see life from a 360-degree range of sight, but it will enable you to choose how you participate in your daily life. Yes, you can choose this, and no, you don’t have to choose that. You, alone, are in charge of your life.
You do not have to get caught up in other people’s traumas and dramas. You can have a clear range of vision. You can have a clearer perspective about where and how to use your energy to design your life. You do not have to let that narrow old perspective of life blindfold you.
Vulnerability is your strength. Look around at the opportunities everywhere. Be open to the experiences. When you allow yourself to see the “more” in life, you will benefit from life’s abundance instead of becoming a victim of the “less.” Being vulnerable allows you to feel energized by life. Being vulnerable supports you to stretch beyond the limiting fears that have kept you from expressing yourself and seeing how much you are capable of being and doing.
Fragility really is the consciousness of weakness, not vulnerability. Be open, be accessible, be responsive, be vulnerable — and watch what happens. Pay attention to all life has to offer. You do not want to waste or miss the opportunities life has in store for you. Those illusional walls — that narrow peephole — were not protecting you; they were preventing you from living. Go out, be vulnerable and open and seize the opportunities that await you.
Sherry Anshara, founder of QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness and originator of The QuantumPathic Energy Medicine Methodology, has a practice in Scottsdale, Ariz. Author of The Age of Inheritance: The Activation of the 13th Chakras, Sherry hosts “On the Air with Sherry Anshara” on, [email protected] or 480-609-0874.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 3, June/July 2005.
June 28, 2014
Featured, June/July 2005 Issue, Self-confidence