Electrodermal screening is based on the Chinese medical theory that energy flows through acupuncture meridians, and improper flow can cause energy imbalances in the body.
by Dr. Paul Stallone —
Hundreds of blood, urine, saliva and hair tests are available that can provide key answers in determining if and what malfunction your body is experiencing. While these tests can be essential in a diagnosis, all too often their results provide more questions than answers. Results vary depending on many factors that can change from day to day. The same test performed again just one week later may present two very different answers.
Biofeedback is a form of non-invasive testing that may not be as familiar to you as a common blood test. It relies on your body’s energy, instead of blood, to diagnosis the root cause of disease. Biofeedback allows the practitioner to customize a treatment plan that is entirely specific to you, based on your results. In the hands of a trained physician, biofeedback can help screen bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, hormonal and other health conditions.
Electrodermal screening (EDS) uses biofeedback to determine the true cause behind symptoms and/or complaints by measuring the degree of electoral resistance in an acupuncture point, mainly a point on the first finger of your left hand. This instrument-based screening provides medical information about the health of your body using an electrical measurement of the skin.
EDS is based on the Chinese medical theory that energy flows through acupuncture meridians, and improper flow can cause energy imbalances in the body. EDS testing was first developed in Germany 60 years ago using the Chinese system of energy. A local doctor reasoned that if acupuncture was correct and channels of energy did run throughout the body, then there should be a way to measure this energy. He then invented a device that has since been improved upon many times.
Using electronic measurements is not confined to alternative medicine. Conventional medicine has been using electrical measurements for evaluation purposes for years. An electrocardiograph (ECG) measures heart rhythms, and an electroencephalograph (EEG) measures brain electrical activity. Galvanic skin response is sometimes used in psychoanalysis to note a change of emotional state.
Physicians and healing practitioners all over the world use EDS as an intricate part of their practice. Chiropractors may use EDS to find a spinal subluxation in a patient or a dentist may use EDS to select the most compatible dental material to use. Some physicians use EDS to detect food allergies and other sensitivities, such as pesticides and chemicals.
While any sensible practitioner can own a device, it is important to note that EDS machines do not provide black and white results. It takes a very skilled person to complete the screening/testing. Just like a medical technician needs to interpret an X-ray or lab work, a proper practitioner needs to interpret the results from an EDS testing session.
EDS is painless, requires no blood drawn and provides instant results. There are no side effects with its proper use. No puncturing the skin, no discomfort and absolutely zero electrical impulses are felt during the testing. Biofeedback is safe for infants and sensitive individuals.
EDS helps in establishing a baseline before treatment and is then used to monitor your progress, which ensures you stay on an appropriate treatment plan. By using EDS, your doctor can narrow down what kind of virus could be causing your cold or flu and provide a personalized homeopathic remedy. Anyone and everyone can benefit from some form of electrodermal screening, but those who continue to get sick and do not respond to treatment may have the most to gain from using EDS/biofeedback. It gives your body a chance to speak for itself.
Paul Stallone, N.M.D., founded the Arizona Integrative Medical Center, located in Scottsdale, Ariz. He combines natural, alternative and conventional treatments to best fit each patient’s needs. www.drstallone.com or 480-214-3922.
March 26, 2013
Acupuncture, Alternative Therapies, Chinese medicine, Chiropractic, Colds, Energy / energetic medicine, February/March 2013 Issue, Flu, Health, Homeopathy