Can we get the nutrients we need from our food groups?

Never in our history has there been more sickness and prescription drug use. For example, 12-year-old children are being put on cholesterol meds. Medications for ADHD are being handed out in record numbers
by Debbie Williams —
You try to do the right things nutritionally. You educate yourself, watch documentaries and click on every Facebook post regarding health. You search the Internet to find answers to keep your family healthy and even spend extra money buying organic products. After all, you want a thriving body free from aches, pains and disease.
But with all the information out there, what should you believe? Is it low or high carb? Is it low or high fat? Is saturated fat good or bad? Do I really need to buy organic? The answer? Stick to what intuitively makes sense and discard the rest.
For years, many of us followed the USDA food pyramid guidelines to eat low-fat, high-carb meals. Could the food pyramid we have been using for decades be based on “tenuous association” rather than any possible proof of causation? If you want to read something interesting on the subject, search for scientist Ancel Keys’ “Seven Countries Study” and his influence on the food pyramid.
Have you ever noticed when you eat carbs you are hungry again in a couple of hours? This is because they provide little nutrition, so your body is sending you the signal: I did not get what I needed. Feed me. If you cook some eggs in butter, stir some fresh coconut oil into your coffee and eat a few slices of nitrate-free bacon, I doubt you will even think of food for hours.
For decades, we all have seen the words “low fat” boldly printed on product labels so that we would buy the right products. We wanted low-fat everything. Where has that gotten us? Ironically, it seems to have gotten us sick and obese. Back in the day, I never saw people looking at labels. Today, I frequently see it. Folks are finally realizing that we are ingesting ingredients into our bodies that are not good and are, in fact, harming us.
Never in our history has there been more sickness and prescription drug use. For example, 12-year-old children are being put on cholesterol meds. Medications for ADHD are being handed out in record numbers. Could something as simple as proper nutrition help the world of hurt we are in or reverse this epidemic of obesity and sickness? Can we finally get the nutrients our bodies so desperately need? I believe so.
I am a huge fan of the supplement beta glucan. I think it is the most significant health supplement of our lifetime. It works for everyone. It supports the immune system and when the immune system falters, we are in trouble — big trouble. However, not all beta glucan products are created equally, which is why I only recommend the one that provides eight times the immune response of the number-two-selling beta glucan.
A few weeks ago, at the Holistic Health Gathering at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, a man walked up to my table and asked about the beta glucan products. I was educating him on them when he asked: Are these the only three products you have? I told him that our company was just purchased by another that offers hundreds of products. I asked him if he had ever listened to the CD “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie.” His eyes got big and he said, “I have been following Dr. Wallach for years. If Youngevity® bought these products, that speaks volumes to me.”
Restart Your Life was recently purchased by Youngevity, a publically traded $150-million-a-year company. I was unfamiliar with the company, but when my business partner asked if I had ever heard of “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie,” I remembered I had heard the CD years ago. In fact, I have since learned it is the most listened to health CD in history. The man who started this company, Dr. Joel Wallach, is a veterinarian and naturopathic doctor.
Wallach claims that only a handful of people in this world will reach an average life expectancy of more than 100 years. Their food is grown in areas where all 90 essential nutrients are found in the soil. But if these nutrients are no longer in our soil, how can they be in our food? Our bodies cannot produce these 90 essential nutrients, nor can we get them from the food groups. However, we can get the 90 essential nutrients in the product Beyond Tangy Tangerine® 2.0 (BTT).
Think of a wheel with five spokes. If something happens to one of the spokes, added stress is placed on the others and eventually the entire wheel falls apart. Think about the space between those spokes in terms of your health for a minute. The five spaces represent rest/sleep, spiritual/mental, activity/exercise, nutrition and the immune system.
To see how easily the wheel can become compromised, think about this. Many people are stressed due to financial problems. If they are under financial stress, they are likely having trouble sleeping. This is one area of the wheel that is damaged. If you are too tired you likely will not exercise, nor will you have the energy to prepare healthy food. Instead you buy processed food and so on. You can see how the wheel falls apart.
Before my husband and I listened to “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie,” we pretty much relied on beta glucan to keep our immune system strong — and it does. But now we realize our immune system is just one portion of the wheel. We also need essential nutrients to keep healthy. Being frugal, the last thing I wanted to add was another expense. But we embraced what we learned and ordered the product.
The second day of taking BTT, I walked into my husband’s office and said, “This is going to sound weird, but my cells are happy.” He responded, “I feel the same way.” Our energy was significantly increased and we were not hungry. Many people experience a 10 to 15 pound weight loss just by taking BTT. We are waking up rested and do not even think about food until early afternoon. You can feel the same way. Go online and look for the full version of “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” and try Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 for yourself.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If pregnant or lactating, consult a physician before using.
Debbie Williams is an immune health coach and is studying to become a certified nutrition coach. 623-444-0557, [email protected] or
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 6, December 2014/January 2015.
December 21, 2014
December/January 2015 Issue, Featured, Nutrition