Surgeries skyrocket due to NSAIDs by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — If you have ever had a painful joint, such as the hip, knee, shoulder or low back, your doctor may have prescribed a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). These drugs are among the most commonly used drugs in the world for the treatment of osteoarthritis […]
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What is in your vaccine?
January 1, 2015
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What is in your vaccine? by Mary Budinger — When you buy food or supplements, there is a label that tells you something about what is in there. But normally the person who injects you with a vaccine or flu shot does not hand you the list of ingredients. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) […]
Fluoroquinolones — worse than the disease?
December 30, 2014
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Fluoroquinolones — worse than the disease? by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — A n article in the Arizona Republic on September 17, 2014, used the above title to discuss a group of potent antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. They are one of the best-selling classes of antibiotics and are used to treat serious infections. Six fluoroquinolones are […]
Health facts — Current health updates
May 2, 2014
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Health facts — Current health updates by Dr. Nicholas Warner — The following three reports on prescription drug use, low iron levels and forgiveness are pieces of health information you will find useful. CDC reports prescription drug use on the rise A recent report issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) […]
Doctors in the dark about changes in drug safety
April 22, 2014
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Doctors in the dark about changes in drug safety by Mary Budinger — When drug companies have an important new warning about their products, they tell doctors about it in what is called a “Dear Healthcare Professional” letter. These letters inform doctors about serious risks of a medication and protocols to ensure the medication’s safe […]
February 10, 2016
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