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Reversing macular degeneration

November 9, 2012

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by Julia Busch —  The leading cause of blindness in older adults and the most common degenerative condition affecting the retina is age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). It targets the retina’s central portion, the macula, which is responsible for sharp central vision. As the disease progresses, all retinal cells are affected, including connective tissue and blood […]

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TurboSonic® vibration therapy: Cutting-edge technology

November 9, 2012

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by Dr. Barry Goldberg —  TurboSonic® whole-body vibration therapy provides a safe, effective way to excite human cells. This new Korean technology accelerates the body’s natural healing response, increases cellular oxygen, enhances cellular nutrient uptake, stimulates cellular fluid movement and facilitates cellular waste removal. As a result, new cells are more resilient, more vibrant and […]

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Kirlian photography in the treatment of eye disease

November 4, 2012

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by Edward C. Kondrot — Kirlian Photography evolved from a technology first developed by Georg Lichtenberg in 1777, when he noticed electromagnetic discharges in the high-frequency field of the human body. In the beginning of the 20th century, an English physician, Dr. Walter Kilner, discovered that the human aura could be observed through a plate […]

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Sound therapy healing — New technology for an ancient art

November 2, 2012

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by Harold Gill —  From ancient time to present day, sound and music have been used to influence humans physically, emotionally and spiritually. Native peoples used drums during ceremonies both to relax and to stimulate. In early North American cultures, a baby attending its first ceremony was comforted when it heard the drum, as the […]

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What is homeopathy?

October 28, 2012

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by Dr. Todd Rowe —  Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that is holistic, scientifically based, safe, inexpensive and curative of chronic disease. Founded by Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., more than 200 years ago, the principles on which it is based have been utilized in healing for thousands of years. Homeopathic remedies work by activating […]

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Professional-grade shiatsu

October 9, 2012

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by Brian Skow —  What do you know about your shiatsu therapist? Do you believe you are receiving authentic shiatsu or do you suspect you are receiving a watered-down version? To ensure you are getting the best shiatsu therapy possible, you want to check that the therapist has two certifications and look for a number […]

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Chinese foot reflexology — this is the balance

October 9, 2012

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by Fatina Hijab — Without balance there is chaos. According to Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM), disease occurs when the body is imbalanced. Foot reflexology helps the body achieve and maintain its natural balance, or homeostasis. Reflexology works on the 11 systems of the human body: muscular, nervous, skeletal, endocrine, digestive, urinary, circulatory, reproductive, respiratory, integumentary […]

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Academics vs. attitude

October 7, 2012

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by Mary M. Ernsberger —  Have you noticed the negative energy that seems to surround the youth of our nation? Have you ever wondered why our children and teens are so angry? Does their attitude affect their academic progress? The answer to all three of these questions is “Yes.” These young people chose to incarnate […]

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Buyer beware when purchasing essential oils

October 6, 2012

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by Carol E. Gutierrez —  Not all essential oils are created equal. The quality of an essential oil depends on the growing conditions, crop yield, distillation process, and integrity of the distiller and supplier. Essential oils are really not oils at all, but plant extracts, so if you place a drop of essential oil on […]

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The answer to elimination?

October 6, 2012

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by Victoria Bowmann —  Wouldn’t things be easier if we had one simple answer to the uncomfortable questions related to our most basic bodily function? For any question we pondered? Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When a person struggles with bowel problems, frequently they hear such advice as, “You need to add more […]

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Feed your mind and manage your weight

October 5, 2012

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by Kathy Balland —  Successful weight management goes beyond simply what you eat. It all really comes down to your thoughts and feelings. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, you can attract their future vision of yourself. The following tools can help you make positive changes, such as weight management: affirmations, a gratitude journal, […]

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What is wrong with my stomach?

October 4, 2012

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by Dr. J. Michael Pece —  Clostridium difficile, also known as C. difficile or “C diff,” is a spore-forming bacteria that can be part of the normal intestinal flora in as many as 50 percent of children under the age of 2 and less frequently in children older than 2 years of age. The major […]

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Drink your allergy shots

October 3, 2012

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by Dr. Paul Stallone —  Are you suffering with allergies, asthma, eczema or other allergy related symptoms? Do sinus infections haunt you on a regular basis? Does the thought of injections keep you away from your physician? Now you can sip your allergy serum with sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). While injection therapy requires frequent, time-consuming trips to […]

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