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A gluten-free diet may help ADHD

March 1, 2012

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Many children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do not respond well to most grains, especially wheat. This could be because they have advanced celiac disease, which impacts an average of one out of every 133 people in the U.S. (However, studies have found that this number may be as high as 1 in 33 […]

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Myofascial release helps hyperactivity

March 1, 2012

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by Maria Troia –  A recent article in The New York Times reported that hyperactivity in children is caused by a “particular portion of the body being too active.” Hyperactive behavior may present in a child who is constantly active, talks excessively, fidgets, is easily distracted, has difficulty concentrating or following directions, and behaves aggressively. […]

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ADHD treatment without drugs

February 29, 2012

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by Dr. Martha Grout —  The stimulant-type prescription drug initially used for ADHD treatment originated in Russia during the Second World War and was developed to enable soldiers to stay awake longer. These stimulants quickly morphed into methamphetamine, known around the world as meth or speed. Stimulants also became the drug used to treat ADHD. […]

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School is better without ADHD

February 28, 2012

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by Drs. Martha Grout and Stephanie Reese —  If your kids left school a few months ago with focus and attention problems, guess what? They will still have them when school starts up again in the fall. Prescription drugs are one quick answer — just pop a pill. And, in some cases, the drugs work […]

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Sweet ‘N Dangerous

February 28, 2012

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by Dr. Larry Wilson —  Refined sugar is probably the single most important food to avoid, especially for children. It is harmful for everyone, addictive and probably the greatest cause of ill health in America and the world today. Why is sugar a problem food? • Provokes a fight-or-flight response. Sugars pass easily from the […]

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Neurotransmitter testing can help

February 27, 2012

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by Dr. Denise Grobe —  If you are having long-term problems with fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, uncontrollable food cravings or mild-to-moderate depression, or if your current treatment for these symptoms is not working, then neurotransmitter testing may be the piece that completes the puzzle to your good health and happiness. What is a neurotransmitter? A neurotransmitter […]

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American children are chronically ill

February 27, 2012

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More than half of all the children in America will suffer from chronic health conditions during their childhood years, according to a new study published in the February 17, 2010, edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The study analyzed approximately 5,000 children as they grew from the ages of 2 through […]

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Drugging toddlers for mental health

February 26, 2012

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by Dr. Stephanie Reese —  “The bipolar child is a purely American phenomenon,” says Philip Dawdy, creator of the popular mental health Web site, He is not alone in this belief. Most of the rest of the world views the incidence of bipolar diagnoses in children as something that mostly happens only in America. […]

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Epidemics of chronic disease — the statistics

February 25, 2012

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According to the recent annual report produced by the Alzheimer’s Association, one in eight Americans has Alzheimer’s disease. Someone new develops the disease every 70 seconds. Without a major medical breakthrough in prevention or treatment, the association states that by the year 2050 someone will develop the disease every 33 seconds. In Arizona, an estimated […]

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Functional medicine is the big picture approach

February 24, 2012

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by Dr. Martha Grout —  The functional approach to healing does not fit into the existing Western medical paradigm with its one-size-fits-all approach to disease management. But it is the future of medicine because it is a rational approach to explaining what went wrong and how to fix it. Conventional medicine usually takes the small […]

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Is your tween/teen suffering from nature deficit disorder?

February 23, 2012

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by Vanessa Chamberlain —  The signs and symptoms of nature deficit disorder (NDD) sound like checklists you have heard for other common diagnoses such as ADD/ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), ODD (oppositional defiant disorder), LFT (low frustration-tolerance) and manic-depressive disorder (bipolar). In his 2005 book, Last Child in the Woods, author Richard Louv coined the term […]

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A new perspective on ADD/ADHD

February 23, 2012

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by Jasmine Nordman —  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a misnomer. People who have been labeled with ADD/ADHD do not lack the ability to pay attention; in fact, they are actually paying attention to everything. We are born with a Gestalt dominant brain, ready to take it all in. The Gestalt’s job is to see […]

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An avocado a day keeps body fat away

February 22, 2012

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by Dr. Tricia Pingel —  People are terrified of eating fat. Calorie counting and nonfat diets are a craze in the dieting world, but they make no differentiation between calorie sources. In those diets, all calories are created equal, but this is a dietary falsehood. Our bodies need fat. The key to overall health is […]

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