by Christopher Vedeler — In the West, we know the kidneys are sophisticated filters that remove toxins from the blood. They also play a key role in balancing water and electrolytes in the body. In Chinese medicine, the kidneys represent the deepest level of our physical being and are also critical to water metabolism. Water […]
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Tea leaves: Flowing with the seasons reflects wisdom
October 15, 2012
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by Victoria J. Mogilner — Farmers who plant, nurture and harvest crops, and then allow the ground to lie fallow for a period of rest, know well the significance of the seasons. Practitioners of the principles of Chinese medicine also honor the seasons, understanding that a healthy life is one that follows the seasonal cycle […]
Recipes to support prostate health
August 23, 2012
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by Stan Kalson — The incidence of BHP (non-malignant enlargement of the prostate) is truly one of the most significant problems facing men in our society. Beginning at age 50, as many as 40 percent of males have BHP. By the time men hit their 80s, the figure reaches 90 percent. Diet is the first […]
Acupuncture and urinary tract infections
July 11, 2012
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by Dr. Y. Frank Aoi — Someone asked me recently how well acupuncture works to treat urinary tract infections (UTI). This is an excellent question, since an acupuncture needle cannot kill bacteria directly. So does acupuncture really work for certain diseases? Before learning the answer to this question, you must not think in terms of […]
IC or bladder-pain syndrome — a multi-symptom condition
February 23, 2012
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by K. Pocai — For many sufferers of interstitial cystitis (IC), an inflammatory bladder condition, the diagnosis is insignificant. However, it is often the unrelenting layers of symptoms and pain that can bring people to their knees. While IC, newly renamed “bladder-pain syndrome,” appears to be more prevalent among females from the teenage years and […]
November 14, 2012
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