by Gayle Earle — Are recommendations to cover up and stay out of the sun putting our health at risk? William B. Grant, Ph.D., who has studied the dietary and environmental links to chronic disease for 30 years, believes the optimal level of Vitamin D ranges from 30 to 40 ng/ml for cancer prevention and […]
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Medical ozone treatments: could you benefit?
August 19, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — The human body can survive for a month without food, and days without water. But without oxygen, the body cannot survive beyond several minutes. Oxygen is the body’s most immediate need. Dr. Otto Warburg, a German biochemist, discovered in the 1920s that diseases and degeneration can be prevented through proper […]
BPA stays in the body longer than expected
March 5, 2012
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Bisphenol A (BPA), a controversial chemical used to harden plastics for consumer products such as baby bottles and food containers, appears to remain in the body much longer than previously thought. A new study found that BPA levels drop eight times more slowly than expected. “What this study shows is that either we are getting […]
Simple test for candida yeast
February 24, 2012
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by Paula Owens — Are you feeling bloated, gassy, foggy brained and/or depressed? Do you have cravings, achy joints or dry skin spots? If you said yes to any of these, you need to try the candida test to find out if this could be the root cause of your symptoms. Yeast and fungal infections, […]
October 4, 2013
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