by Nicholas Meyer — Periodontal disease is a slow but progressive, chronic inflammatory disease. This complex disease process takes place in the presence of bacterial byproducts and a weakened host resistance. Chronic inflammation is the big buzz in medicine now, and is considered by researchers to be the fundamental problem behind many Western diseases. The […]
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Beer — Drink to your health
January 23, 2013
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by Dr. Mark Force — Alcohol consumption can be a healthy habit, in spite of all we hear to the contrary. Because we are constantly exposed to the negatives, there’s no need to list the health and societal problems tied to consuming alcohol. Instead, let’s explore the benefits of light to moderate alcohol consumption — […]
The real take on sugar intake
January 16, 2013
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by Dorothy Krupnick, M.S.R.D. — Walking down the supermarket aisles to shop for a healthy dessert will baffle any consumer who is new to nutrition and health awareness. There are cake and pudding mixes, prepared cookie dough and the like. As consumers, we are bombarded with the concept of simple carbohydrates versus complex carbohydrates. We […]
The heavy facts about being overweight
January 9, 2013
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by Dr. Melissa Dawahare — With the popularity of NBC’s hit show “The Biggest Loser” and Dr. Phil’s book, The Ultimate Weight Solution, the topic of weight loss is in the spotlight. People across America are beginning to participate in weight loss programs, eat better and exercise more. This trend comes just in time, because […]
Healthy and tasty fruitcake
October 30, 2012
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by Dorothy Krupnick — Holiday food should not be the object of snickering and ridicule. Yet the fruitcake always makes its way onto the scene as the joke of the season. How sad. This holiday treat has nutritional value and is delicious when the appropriate ingredients are used. When we rename it “spice cake,” with […]
HGH: A fountain of youth
October 17, 2012
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by Leonie Rosenberg — Most people live through their teens and 20s without appreciating the blessings of youth — trim bodies, supple skin, high libido, stamina, agility and a responsive immune system. Often it is not until we begin to manifest the symptoms of aging that we begin to appreciate the health we took for […]
Oats are more than a breakfast food
October 14, 2012
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Often we think of oats as simply breakfast food or a substance found in snacks, but they are actually an amazing grain that can have an enormous impact on your health. On a per-gram basis, oats contain a higher concentration of protein, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, thiamin, phosphorus and vitamin E than any other unfortified […]
Personal tai chi
October 14, 2012
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by Dr. Steven Cooner — Tai chi can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety and depression, improve circulation and sleep, and heal new muscular-skeletal injuries and internal disorders. It also is wonderful for anti-aging, improving skin tone and hair texture, reducing cellulite, tightening sagging muscles, and generally improving […]
Health vs Remedies
September 20, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Medical errors and other medical mishaps kill more than 250,000 Americans each year, according to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association. In fact, more Americans die directly from their doctors’ medical interventions than from diabetes and cancer combined. However, since we all may use the […]
Building a healthy immune system
September 19, 2012
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by Stan Kalson — The first step to having a healthy immune system is a well-balanced diet filled with fresh organic fruits, vegetables, grains, seaweeds, raw nuts, seeds and fresh, pure water. A vegetarian diet does not automatically equate with a healthier body. A diet with small amounts of meat protein, coupled with a greater […]
Thyroid tests misleading
September 10, 2012
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by Dr. Mark Starr — One of the most common problems in medicine today is the testing for hypothyroidism. Blood tests often indicate you are OK when you are not. Blood tests measure the amount of thyroid hormones, TSH, circulating in our blood. Typically the tests indicate normal values. But it is not the amount […]
CRP: A marker of cardiovascular inflammation
August 26, 2012
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by Dr. Robin Terranella — When it comes to cardiovascular disease (CVD), most of us know that high blood pressure and cholesterol are important risk factors requiring control. However, a recent study, called JUPITER (Justification for the Use of statins in Primary prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin), found that more emphasis should be placed […]
What you don’t know about your thyroid can make you ill
August 24, 2012
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by Becky Coffield — The thyroid is probably the most overlooked, improperly diagnosed gland in the human body. This small, butterfly-shaped gland residing in the throat is one in a family of glands called the endocrine system. Its functioning is extremely intricate — and crucial to the health and well-being of a person. Yet it […]
January 28, 2013
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