by Brenda Haas-Krieger — Winter is the season of colds and flu. At this time of year, we tend not to partake of the sun’s rays as often as we do in warmer months, which means that our bodies do not create as much vitamin D3, an incredible antiviral agent. Multiple studies indicate that a […]
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Shield yourself and family from colds
February 24, 2012
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by Dana Regev — A lowered immune system sets the stage for sickness. Factor in changing weather, traveling and exposure to sickness and it can become a losing battle. One of the easiest, most effective and natural ways to boost your immune system and shield yourself from illness is to use essential oils, which also […]
Slash your chance of getting a cold
February 24, 2012
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WPHL, Channel 17 in Philadelphia, offers a list of remedies to fight a cold that are natural and more affordable than pricey, over-the-counter medicines. They include: Slippery elm — The inner bark of the slippery elm, when mixed with water, becomes a slick gel. This gel is rich with antioxidants and coats your throat, stomach […]
The truth about colds, flu and allergies
February 24, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — The phrase “It is just a cold,” is often the response of someone experiencing the symptoms, but sometimes a cold can be much more serious. The common cold affects 62 million people in the U.S. annually and accounts for 75 to 100 million physician visits per year. These physician visits […]
Salt room for persistent flu
February 24, 2012
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by Pavel Gershkovich — There is a nasty new type of flu making the rounds. Runny nose, sinus drainage, dry cough and fatigue lead the list of symptoms. Its victims report that just when you think you are over it, a week later it is back — this happens two, three and four times. It […]
Sea salt for healthy lungs and skin
February 23, 2012
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by Pavel Gershkovich — The Phoenix area could be considered something of a modern-day, natural dust bowl, and this summer’s dust storms have made the Valley’s air quality much worse than usual. When dust gets into the lungs, the body uses mucus to catch it and move it out. But when there is a lot […]
Colds and flu prevention
February 23, 2012
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Many scientific studies have repeatedly found that there is little or no evidence backing flu vaccines as an effective flu-prevention strategy. Evidence is mounting in support of vitamin D as a potential cold and flu prevention strategy. However, optimizing your vitamin D levels through regular sun exposure is preferred, as the sun imparts health benefits […]
February 25, 2012
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