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Strategies for fibromyalgia recovery

February 24, 2012

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by Betsy Timmerman —  Fibromyalgia syndrome can rob sufferers of their life. The ability to manage and erase the pain of fibromyalgia affects the sufferer’s work, family and friend dynamics. Fibromyalgia pulls the rug out from under those who have it. If you have unmanaged fibromyalgia symptoms, it is time to take control of your […]

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Fibromyalgia syndrome

February 24, 2012

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by Dr. Murray Susser —  Suppose you have muscle pain that will not go away and doctors are not helping much. The best feedback you get is that it is labeled as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). But, what does that mean? Fibromyalgia syndrome may not be a disease. It is a symptom or set of symptoms […]

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Nutrients for fibromyalgia recovery

February 24, 2012

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by Betsy Timmerman —  It can be overwhelming to hear the diagnosis: “You have fibromyalgia.” Not only is it a mouthful to say, the fibromyalgia (FM) label is often what comes at the end of a very long search for the cause of a multi-symptom syndrome. When first confronted with the problems of body-wide pain, […]

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Escaping the fibromyalgia maze

February 23, 2012

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by Betsy Timmerman —  Most people who suffer from fibromyalgia (FM) never find their true path to recovery. They often spend year after year trying new treatments, techniques, doctors, medications and supplements but never really improve enough to say they are living a full life with little or no pain. FM is a complex syndrome […]

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Stretching and strengthening your fibromyalgia away

February 22, 2012

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by Betsy Timmerman Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome that has reached epidemic proportions today. Once believed to affect 2 to 4 percent of the population, that estimate has climbed in recent years. Chronic pain in all four quadrants of the body for more than three months is the leading definition of the illness, but […]

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