Reflexology techniques for headache relief by Ewald Kliegel — Reflexology provides easy techniques for one of the most common human ailments — the headache. The information here will help you banish headaches for good. The head is prone to different problems — from throbbing temples with the sensation of being trapped in a vice while […]
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There is relief for headaches
February 1, 2015
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There is relief for headaches by Dr. Bill Gallagher — If you suffer from headaches, you are not alone. The National Headache Foundation (NHF) estimates that more than 45 million Americans have chronic, recurring headaches. The good news is that you may not need to suffer — if you understand how they are caused and […]
Breathing clean through green
March 4, 2014
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by Dr. Shawna Eischens — The Phoenix area tends to rank high on the list of polluted cities, but is staying indoors the best medicine? Not necessarily. Then how can you breathe in the cleanest air possible? Building materials, furniture and electronic equipment are known to emit various volatile organic compound toxicants that have […]
Health facts — Current health updates
January 25, 2014
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by Dr. Nicholas Warner — This article reports on the effects of exercise on depression, the affect of bed rest on low back pain, and caffeine and chronic daily headaches. Exercise may help reduce depression A 1997 study found that mild to moderate major depressive disorder (MDD) ranked second behind heart disease in terms of […]
Cure headaches without aspirin
November 15, 2013
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by Toffler Niemuth — How many times a week do you get a headache? And of those times, how often did you pop some aspirin or ibuprofen to get instant relief? While it may not seem like a big deal, over time, taking those pills comes with its own side effects and health risks, including […]
An IBS investigation
August 23, 2013
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by Diana Wiggins and Julie Oppenheimer — What is it about those detective shows like CSI, 48 Hours or even House that have us tuning in every week for a new episode? For most people, it is the armchair detective work that we can do from our living rooms — participating in thinking through the […]
Living with Lyme disease
August 19, 2013
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Lyme disease (LD) can be a lifelong battle with many complications and setbacks. The biggest obstacle is obtaining an early and proper diagnosis. LD is often called “The Great Imitator” because it mimics numerous disorders such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and ADHD. Testing for it is […]
Secret formula to be happy and lean
August 18, 2013
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by Dr. Alan Christianson — The secret formula to being happy and lean is 70-100 mg/dl — that is it. Now that you know the secret, here are more details. The numbers reflect the ideal range of your blood sugar. When there is too little, your brain and muscles cannot work at their best. When […]
Thyme: A great seasoning
July 24, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Thyme is the dried leaves of Thymus vulgaris, a small perennial in the mint family. The leaves measure about one-quarter of an inch in length and one-tenth of an inch in width. The grayish-green plant grows about 18 inches tall and produces small flowers that are very attractive to honey […]
The stress effect and reduction techniques
June 20, 2013
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Your body is designed to experience stress and react appropriately. Stress will put you in fight-or-flight mode, alert and ready to avoid danger. The body also experiences physiologic responses, such as increased heart and respiratory rates, to enable immediate action. However, increased incidences of illness can develop if these physiologic changes are not restored to […]
Food sensitivities and leaky gut
June 4, 2013
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by Dr. Denise Grobe — Leaky gut syndrome and food sensitivities may be the answer to many cause-unknown type illnesses. They may also explain many of the symptoms patients have that confound and confuse some conventional physicians. Our bodies’ responses to the foods we eat are an integral part of our overall health — they […]
Trimethylglycine (TMG) to the Rescue
June 1, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Many people believe or were taught that diet alone provides adequate nutrition and that we do not need to take nutritional supplements. I, too, believed this at one time. However, years of experience as a physician proved me wrong. Our food supply today is low in nutrients — even the […]
Teeth can cause pain in the body
May 30, 2013
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — When it comes to pain in areas of the body, such as the shoulder, low back, hip or knee, most doctors would not consider examining the mouth as a source of musculoskeletal pain. When all other treatment methods have been unsuccessful or incomplete and we still have painful joints, […]
November 11, 2015
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