Orangutan: A Day in the Rainforest Canopy by Rita Goldner — This vibrantly colored book with its appealing animals presents a scientifically accurate story of a young orangutan learning about his wild habitat. You will join his romp through the rainforest as he searches for food, runs from predators and exercises his natural curosity. Along […]
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ADHD and The Edison Gene: A Drug-Free Approach to Managing the Unique Qualities of Your Child
December 16, 2015
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ADHD and The Edison Gene: A Drug-Free Approach to Managing the Unique Qualities of Your Child by Thom Hartmann — Hartmann shows how creativity, impulsiveness, risk-taking, distractibility and novelty-seeking are characteristic of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but not signs of a disorder. Instead, they are components of a highly adaptive skill set utilized by […]
Near One Cattail: Turtles, Logs and Leaping Frogs
September 27, 2015
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Near One Cattail: Turtles, Logs and Leaping Frogs by Anthony D. Fredericks, illustrated by Jennifer DiRubbio — What creatures live in a bog-boggy place? From zip-zipping dragonflies to hip-hopping frogs, here’s a medley of critters who swim, soar or crawl in a wetlands home that protects one and all. This engaging book is the fourth […]
Something Special
September 20, 2015
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Something Special by Terri Cohlene, illustrated by Doug Keith — A curious little frog finds a mysterious gift outside his home near the castle moat. It is something special … What can it be? It can be small and silent, or big and loud. It can be planted or blown or thrown. And it is […]
Modeling good manners
August 10, 2015
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Modeling good manners by Susan Stiffelman — “Me first;” “I want more;” and “Those are mine!” are all the normal expressions of a child who has not yet developed empathy or diplomacy. Children are naturally egocentric; if there is only one piece of pie left, they will grab it. If your daughter is having fun […]
Preventing autism
August 10, 2015
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Preventing autism by Dr. Larry Wilson — Autism, a serious behavioral disorder among young children, is now occurring at epidemic rates. According to a recent article by Donald Miller, M.D., autism is diagnosed in about one of every 400 girls and one in every 100 boys. This article discusses natural approaches for helping autistic children and, […]
National campaign aims to change school foods
August 7, 2015
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National campaign aims to change school foods by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Parents across the country are becoming more aware and alarmed by the quality of food being served to their children at school. Until recently, many felt like they had little say or power to make a change in the system. A new national […]
AthleticBaby™ All Star: Inspiring Future Athletes
June 7, 2015
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by AthleticBaby — AthleticBaby has created the first in a series of DVDs that introduces children to physical activity, sports and fitness using a lively array of colorful images and energetic music. With a simple format, designed to appeal to children 0 to 36 months, the DVD is designed to help very small children be […]
Walk Like a Bear, Stand Like a Tree, Run like the Wind: Cool Yoga, Stretching and Aerobic Activities for Cool Kids
May 14, 2015
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Walk Like a Bear, Stand Like a Tree, Run like the Wind: Cool Yoga, Stretching and Aerobic Activities for Cool Kids by Carol Bassett — This fun and informative full-color, 40-page activity guide informs and inspires children ages 6 to 12 (and parents) to get up, get moving and get fit. The book integrates stretching […]
Five steps to encourage an attitude of gratitude in children
April 7, 2015
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Five steps to encourage an attitude of gratitude in children by Dr. Monisha Vasa — My brain knows that gratitude is important. When I am in a state of gratitude — aware of my blessings, small and large — I feel happier and less alone. I feel more connected to the people around me and […]
Why your child’s sleep habits matter
March 19, 2015
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Why your child’s sleep habits matter by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — It may be hard to believe, but the fact that breathing is fundamental to life is becoming more widely acknowledged. It is humorous to even think about that statement, but the truth is that poor sleeping/breathing habits, which include snoring — or worse — […]
Two new books take kid marketers to task
January 22, 2015
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Two new books take kid marketers to task by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Although there is no “must have” toy or item these days, more advertising than ever is targeted directly at children. Children are such a niche market that there are dozens of annual conferences dedicated to helping manufacturers market wares straight to kids. […]
ADD/ADHD — Drug-free treatments
December 3, 2014
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ADD/ADHD — Drug-free treatments by Mary M. Ernsberger — “Maybe if you found a doctor who’d put him on medication, he would behave better.” How often have you been told the only effective way to treat attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) is to medicate your child? We teach our children to […]
February 14, 2016
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