Parenting with Presence: Practices for Raising Conscious, Confident, Caring Kids by Susan Stiffelman, MFT — Children can be our greatest teachers, and Stiffelman, a parenting expert, writes that the very behaviors that push our buttons — refusing to cooperate or ignoring our requests — can help us build awareness and shed old patterns, allowing us […]
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Parenting with Presence: Practices for Raising Conscious, Confident, Caring Kids

The invaluable gift of mindful parenting
February 10, 2015
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The invaluable gift of mindful parenting by Dr. Monisha Vasa — We often wonder about how we can best nurture our children and what they will remember most about their childhoods. Will it be the lessons we tried to impart to them about being a “good” person or will it be what we formally taught […]
In search of the good enough mother
October 2, 2014
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In search of the good enough mother by Jennifer Kunst, Ph.D.— It is that time of year again. The kids are back in school — back to all the activities and back to that relentless, unforgiving and complicated schedule in which, as a mother, you feel that you can never do anything quite right. The […]
Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers of ADHD, Indigo and Highly Sensitive Children
February 17, 2014
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Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers of ADHD, Indigo and Highly Sensitive Children by Julie B. Rosenshein, LCISW — In 2010, more than 263 million stimulant prescriptions were given to American children. The need to over-stimulate, over-plan and over-work our children has created an unsupportive environment that Rosenshein hopes to […]
Through the eyes of a child
February 15, 2014
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by Susan Torres — There was a time when we looked at life in wonder. Everything was good. Then, it was as if one day we woke up and stopped smelling the flowers, ceased blowing bubbles, quit playing tag — and life was suddenly no longer fun. Have you ever stopped and looked into the […]
Simple safety tips that can save children’s lives
February 8, 2014
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by Jan Kerrigan, R.N. and Polly Turpin — The Arizona Child Facility Review Board recently reported that 48 percent of nearly 400 deaths of children between the ages of 1 and 17 years involved preventable accidents. Below is a list of simple, effective measures that could mean the difference between life and death. Children age […]
Watch children around water
February 5, 2014
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Drownings are the second leading cause of accidental childhood death in Arizona. Drowning hazards can be found everywhere. A swimming pool, pond, lake, canal, bathtub or toilet — even a bucket of water can spell disaster for a child. Seconds count if a child goes under water, and usually there […]
The importance of visual arts in schools
September 12, 2013
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by Marilyn Eisenberg — From those who are already considered successful and who require greater challenges, to those who would otherwise remain disconnected and perhaps not realize their full potential, the visual arts engage all students. These arts help students make new connections, think “outside of the box” and transcend previous limitations by learning to […]
The right precautions and foods help protect children’s eyes
September 7, 2013
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by Robyn Mulia — While almost everyone knows that sunglasses protect their eyes from the glaring sun, many do not know that eating healthy fruits and vegetables protects your vision, long-term. Providing children with fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks provides necessary antioxidants to prevent future eye problems. Protect your sunglass-toting kids by offering tasty […]
Life lessons learned by overcoming failure
September 1, 2013
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by Joseph Sutton — Failure can teach a person life lessons. My son and I learned two important lessons from our days as athletes. One day in high school I got hit in the head by a pitch in batting practice. That tragic incident happened before batting helmets were used. The very next day, because […]
ADHD – Indigo, exceptional or something else?
July 28, 2013
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — During the 1950s, a large number of children were born in response to the prayers of a war-torn generation searching for peace. Welcome Lightworkers — many of you know who you are — many of you are just beginning to discover your true path. But for all of us, one […]
Think pink for love not cancer
June 10, 2013
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by Dee Munsterman — When my son was in kindergarten, he informed me one morning that he was required to wear pink to school that day. I had read the bulletin so I knew the reason for this but was curious what he was being taught. As I stapled a pink paper heart to his […]
It is fun to cook with children
May 21, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Recently, I was at my home in Washington state, helping prepare a family dinner. Soon, my niece and nephew’s children — ages 2 through 5 — pulled up stools and chairs and pitched in. By the time dinner was ready, there was a little (an understatement) flour on the floor, […]
January 4, 2016
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