Half of all Americans drink tea by Joanne Henning Tedesco — People have been drinking tea for nearly 5,000 years. According to legend, it was discovered in 2737 B.C. by Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung, known as the Divine Healer, when some tea leaves accidentally blew into his pot of boiling water. In the 1600s, tea became […]
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The trouble with tiny coffee cups
April 20, 2014
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The trouble with tiny coffee cups by Mary Budinger — Love those convenient single-serve cups of coffee or tea made with the new style of individual brewing machines, first launched by Keurig®? Well, think again. Turns out we threw away so many of those convenient single-serve packages last year that, if assembled like a daisy […]
Which tea for weight loss?
April 7, 2014
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Which tea for weight loss? by Toffler Niemuth — All teas, whether green, black, oolong or pu-erh, come from the same plant, namely Camellia sinensis. So why is there a discrepancy about which tea has the greatest impact on weight loss, and why do they work differently? It has to do with the environmental conditions […]
June 9, 2014
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