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Treat the cause of arthritis, not the symptoms

February 28, 2012

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by Dr. Paul Stallone —  Are you suffering from arthritis? Has your life become a painful struggle? Would you do almost anything to be free of the hurt? There is an answer, a cutting-edge therapy that will help relieve your arthritis pain at the source. When discussing arthritis treatment choices, you typically have two options: […]

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Fibromyalgia facts

February 27, 2012

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by Dr. Kenneth F. Muhich —  Twenty years ago, the term fibromyalgia was as misunderstood as it is today. The problem now, as it was then, is that the general public knows little if anything about this condition. What is worse is that most health providers and many supposed part-time nutrition salespeople have jumped on […]

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We all need saturated fat

February 27, 2012

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by Mary Budinger —  Is it better to get your energy from sugar or from fat? This is not as easy to answer as it sounds, thanks to nutrition “experts” who push a low-fat diet. Hint: sugar is not the answer. Thanks to a researcher named Ancel Keys, natural fat began to be demonized in […]

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Generation Snackers are obese

February 27, 2012

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by Dr. Martha Grout —  A new study of 32,227 children and adolescents tracked eating trends from 1977 through 2006 using data from four national surveys. On average, children reach for cookies, chips and other treats about three times a day, consuming nearly 600 daily calories from snacks alone. Welcome to Generation Snackers. Kids eat […]

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Addicted to exercise

February 27, 2012

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by Paula Owens —  The number of people addicted to extreme exercise has increased. These individuals define themselves by their strenuous workout routines and are obsessive in their missions for leaner physiques. Little do they know that they are putting their health at risk, especially if they are radically cutting back on their food intake […]

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Proposed bills endanger supplement industry

February 26, 2012

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by Mary Budinger —  A cloud of concern hangs over the supplement industry. In February, Senators John McCain (R-AZ), and Byron Dorgan (D-ND), introduced the “Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010.” Known as S. 3002, it would have put the natural supplement industry under control of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). About 30 days […]

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Simple solutions for allergy sufferers

February 26, 2012

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by Dr. Paul Stallone —  How would you like to belong to a group of more than 50 million people and growing? What if being a part of this group meant that your days were ruined, your job was interrupted and you were sick to the point of having to stay in bed all day? […]

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Brain longevity and better brain function

February 26, 2012

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by Brenda Haas-Krieger —  It is possible to combat brain aging, impact Alzheimer’s and even enhance cognitive function, as Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., wrote in his 1999 book Brain Longevity. The brain is flesh and blood like the rest of the body and will respond to measures we take to strengthen it. Dr. William Grant […]

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A cure for NASH

February 26, 2012

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by Dr. Alan Christianson —  What is the most common liver disease among adult Americans? Surprisingly, most people are not aware of it, but nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is the name — most know it by the acronym NASH. Alcoholics have a build-up of fat in their livers that disrupts the circulation of blood and bile. This […]

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Midlife issues and bio-identical hormones

February 26, 2012

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by Gayle Mason —  Do you ever find yourself saying, “Is it hot in here or is it me?” Ah, the menopausal transition has begun. Menopause is defined as 12 successive months without a menstrual period; the average age of menopause for women in the U.S. is 51 and a half. Perimenopause, however, is the […]

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The bipolar diet

February 26, 2012

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by Dr. Tara Peyman —  For people with bipolar disorder, one of the most important factors in stabilizing mood and energy is balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Many patients with mild-to-moderate depression or bipolar disorder can significantly reduce symptoms with diet and exercise alone. Following these few simple steps can encourage better control of […]

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Super Supplements

February 26, 2012

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by Dr. Larry Wilson —  Modern nutritional research now suggests that almost everyone needs more omega-3 fatty acids, iodine and vitamin D3. Unfortunately, sufficient amounts of these nutrients can no longer be obtained through food alone, although by eating carefully, diet can provide some of them. With this in mind, let us examine the best […]

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Natural treatment options for osteoarthritis

February 26, 2012

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by Denise Jenderzak —  Struggling with arthritic pain can be frustrating and challenging. For those with osteoarthritis (OA), the pain affects all areas of their lives. Sleep is disrupted, and the ability to focus and concentrate is diminished. Irritability and depression can occur. As the disease progresses, many patients are forced to give up activities […]

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