by Holly Reese — If you want to live a healthier life but do not know where to begin, the following are some hints to help you get started. Go through your cleaning supplies, body products and cosmetics, and replace all the toxic chemicals with natural products. Filter your tap water, especially from chlorine and […]
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The Love Tetra
September 3, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — This article is about balancing your life with the love tetra — four qualities of action that, when done in a balanced way, can lead to greater happiness and better health. The word tetra means four and is short for tetrahedron, which is a geometric solid with four sides and […]
An IBS investigation
August 23, 2013
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by Diana Wiggins and Julie Oppenheimer — What is it about those detective shows like CSI, 48 Hours or even House that have us tuning in every week for a new episode? For most people, it is the armchair detective work that we can do from our living rooms — participating in thinking through the […]
Secret formula to be happy and lean
August 18, 2013
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by Dr. Alan Christianson — The secret formula to being happy and lean is 70-100 mg/dl — that is it. Now that you know the secret, here are more details. The numbers reflect the ideal range of your blood sugar. When there is too little, your brain and muscles cannot work at their best. When […]
Nude sunbathing
August 10, 2013
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by Wayne H. Purdin — As was commonly believed in ancient Greece, modern medical researchers now agree that moderate sun exposure during safe hours is essential for optimal health. Hippocrates prescribed sunbathing for his sun cure. Herodotus said, “Exposure to the sun is highly necessary for persons whose health is in need of restoring.” The […]
How does acupuncture work?
August 6, 2013
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by Christopher Vedeler — One of the stumbling blocks for many Americans regarding acupuncture is a limited understanding of how it works. Acupuncture can seem mysterious, which is appealing to some, but causes resistance for others. However, acupuncture works even on those who do not believe it will work — yet we are sometimes at […]
Sense of place
August 4, 2013
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by Jesse Wolf Hardin — Much has been made about the phenomenal photographs of Earth taken from outer space, brilliant blue with wispy white beards set against a solid black backdrop. Their message is that Earth is a single finite home without national borders, a lifeboat we all share, spinning in an airless sea of […]
Reiki distant healing
July 26, 2013
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by Tara Howe — Distant healing, as the name suggests, indicates healing that takes place from afar: the patient does not have to be present in the therapist’s office to receive the healing energy. Odd as that might sound to some of us, over the past 40 years, more than 150 formal, controlled studies of […]
Rolfing® — The touch that invokes health
July 19, 2013
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by Deanna Melnychuk — Dr. Ida P. Rolf, the founder of rolfing/structural integration said, “So many therapies are striking at the pattern of disease, instead of supporting the pattern of health. One of the things that you [as rolfers] must always emphasize is that you are not practitioners curing disease; you are practitioners invoking health.” […]
Combining frequency specific microcurrent and color therapy in the treatment of macular degeneration
July 16, 2013
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by Dr. Edward C. Kondrot — Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the most common cause of irreversible blindness in people older than 65. As many as one-third of those past 65 will develop this condition. It is a slow, progressive disease that affects the central area of the retina, called the macula. This location in […]
Is there a cancer answer?
July 14, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — How can it be that in the year 2013 we still do not have a cure for cancer? We can clone an animal, we have built space shuttles and a Mars rover, but we cannot cure cancer? No wonder people are turning to natural health alternatives more than any time in […]
Put mind over matter with integrative imagery
July 13, 2013
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by Nancy Beauchamp — When people hear the words integrative imagery, they probably think about CAT scans or MRIs. But integrative imagery does not refer to a mechanical device separate from us. Rather, it is a technique of putting mind over matter to become healthier. In her book, Molecules of Emotions, Candace Pert states that […]
Managing Minerals
July 10, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Minerals, from calcium and magnesium, to the trace elements such as zinc, are perhaps the single most important group of nutrients. They are required for every bodily function, from activating muscles and nerves, to digestion, energy production, and all healing and regeneration of the body. This article focuses on important […]
September 5, 2013
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