The effects of hypnosis on fibromyalgia by Debbie Barcon — Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a frustrating and seldom understood illness. It is called an illness rather than a disease because there are no specific diagnostic tests to confirm or dispute its existence. The following criteria were developed by the American College of Rheumatology in 1990: widespread […]
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First Moon: Celebration and Support for a Girl’s Growing-Up Journey
November 23, 2014
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First Moon: Celebration and Support for a Girl’s Growing-Up Journey by Maureen Theresa Smith — Nothing rocks a girl’s world as much as her first period. Designed to support girls before and during their first year of menstruation, this unique package offers: an informative and fun 160-page guidebook, companion journal, a 13-month flow chart calendar, […]
Fresh greens and vegetables — the key to health
November 22, 2014
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Fresh greens and vegetables — the key to health by Stan Kalson — Spring brings an abundance of fresh vegetables at local stores and farmers’ markets, making it easier for the health-conscious to choose lighter meals to satisfy nutritional requirements. Many people overcook the majority of their food and neglect the important raw greens and […]
The ABC’s of Rolfing®
November 21, 2014
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The ABC’s of Rolfing® by Deanna Melnychuk — A — Alternative therapy, complementary care, a “life saver!” or whatever other name you might give it, rolfing is a form of structural integration, named for Dr. Ida P. Rolf and the life-transforming work she developed over a 50-year period. B — Bodywork that changes one’s physical […]
Life Without Lisa: A Widowed Father’s Compelling Journey Through The Rough Seas of Grief
November 20, 2014
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Life Without Lisa: A Widowed Father’s Compelling Journey Through The Rough Seas of Grief by Richard Ballo — This is Ballo’s poignant and heartfelt story of love, love lost, all-consuming grief and pain, visitations from Lisa, his 38-year-old wife who died from cancer, and his triumphant recovery. Reeling from grief, Ballo barely clung to his […]
Medically oriented dentistry
November 19, 2014
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Medically oriented dentistry by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — In general, modern dentistry makes for a pleasant experience. Modern dentistry also uses materials that can be very challenging to the human immune system. In fact, some materials commonly used in dentistry are so harmful to individuals with reduced immune systems that dentistry can actually cause death. […]
Stress relief, cortisol reduction and holy basil
November 18, 2014
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Stress relief, cortisol reduction and holy basil by Connie Cagley — Holy basil (ocimum sanctum) has an ancient history as an adaptogenic tonic in Ayurvedic medicine. Also known as tulsi, “the incomparable one,” it is considered the Mother Medicine of Nature in the Ayurvedic tradition. It is revered as a “rasayana” or an herb that […]
Forest Bright, Forest Night
November 17, 2014
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Forest Bright, Forest Night by Jennifer Ward, illustrated by Jamichael Henterly — Whichever way you hold this book, the story keeps going. Open it one way and watch the animals of the forest by day, until the sun sets. Flip it over, open it again and follow the animals of the forest by night, until […]
The four truths
November 16, 2014
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The four truths by Paul Reinig — Do you desire the freedom to be exactly who you are in every moment of your life, without fear or self-doubt? The four following principles might help: 1. Divine love is the motivation behind all movement of energy throughout the universe. This means that pure divine love is […]
Spring cleaning for the body — healing the spleen
November 15, 2014
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Spring cleaning for the body — healing the spleen by Sheevaun Moran — Spring has pretty much arrived in the Valley. The recent rains have brought the desert to rampant bloom and the scent is wonderfully clean. What a great time to take a moment and check in with our bodies to determine how to […]
Juice Power: For the Thirsty Soul, Nourishing Juices that Taste Good
November 14, 2014
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Juice Power: For the Thirsty Soul, Nourishing Juices that Taste Good by Teoorah B.N. Shaleahk — The concentrated nutrients, phytochemicals and antioxidants in fresh fruit and vegetable juices can impart extraordinary health benefits, greatly enhancing all areas of our well-being. Shaleahk presents new options for restoring and maintaining your health that she learned from customers’ […]
It is a bad time for allergies
November 13, 2014
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It is a bad time for allergies by Rebekkah Sax-Guerrero — This season is the beginning of sniffling, sneezing, itchy eyes, runny noses and scratchy throats for all those allergy sufferers. Allergies are caused when the body reacts to a harmless substance, such as pollen, certain foods or mold. The body produces large amounts of […]
The benefits of protein powders
November 12, 2014
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The benefits of protein powders by Scott White — We know protein is good for us, but do we need to supplement? Whey, egg, casein and soy — which is the right one and what does each one do? Let us get the facts straight. Protein exists in virtually everything that moves and makes sounds, […]
November 24, 2014
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