by John English — It is nice for all of us to have a chance to connect around the time of a planetary alignment. Some of us have been waiting many years for this, and in some cases, our entire lives. The alignment of our solar system with the center of the Milky Way galaxy […]
Archive | December/January 2013 Issue RSS feed for this section
A new approach to allergies
February 16, 2013
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by Dr. Jake Psenka — Are you looking for a way to eradicate your seasonal allergies? In the past, the only medical solution for allergy desensitization included visits to an allergist’s office and receiving a series of painful shots every two weeks. After a year or two of these shots, it was possible to “train” […]
Judgment — the journey to nowhere
February 16, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — Have you ever considered how judgment affects and influences your life? Consider this: Every time you judge others, you subconsciously are judging some aspect of yourself. Knowing this, why would you continue to make judgments about others? Judgment diminishes your own self-worth while also giving you an excuse to project invalidation […]
Thrive in the New Year
February 15, 2013
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Thrive in the New Year by Dr. Larry Wilson — The end of the year can be a time of rebirth and renewal. Some people also believe that, according to the Mayan calendar, December 22, 2012, is the end of an age or the beginning of a new stage of life on earth. Here are […]
An impromptu gathering — what do I serve?
February 15, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — You just got a phone call from friends wanting to stop by in a couple of hours for drinks and “just a few nibbles.” Do not panic! Repeat that: Do not panic. Just straighten up the house, do a quick dusting and then take a little time to prepare an […]
Updating life maps
February 14, 2013
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by Craig Dunkelberger — A presupposition commonly adopted by many people in the coaching and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) fields is “The map is not the territory.” This saying originates from Alfred Korzybski, the founder of general semantics. People often assume that their emotions and perceptions are an accurate representation of reality. Both a map and […]
In search of healing in the Amazon Rainforest
February 14, 2013
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by Nick Polizzi — What we did could be seen as extremely risky and careless, perhaps even criminal. At least that is what I was told for about four months before I transported eight very sick patients down to a remote region of the Amazon rainforest, thousands of miles away from the creature comforts of […]
Priorities for peace of mind
February 13, 2013
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by Ada Porat — The busier our lives become, the more important it is to have crystal-clear priorities in order to stay on track. Clear priorities require an understanding that our source of happiness and fulfillment comes not from the world around us, but from the animating spark of divinity within each of us. Even […]
Getting it up for God, each other and our planet
February 13, 2013
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by Scott Grace — Lately I have coached several people who were quite “dis-couraged” (removed from their courage) by the insanity, greed and destruction going down on the planet. Then throw in such things as the hurricane, climate change and personal financial woes. As such, depression and despair currently exist in epidemic proportions, and many […]
Intuition and meditation
February 12, 2013
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — We hear a lot of talk about our inner voice or intuition and using it to access our inner knowing. How do we know when it is our inner voice we are hearing? The term “gut feeling” offers a clue as to where our intuition might be located — if it […]
February 17, 2013
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